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wangweinjcn / Tiny-Expression-Evaluator

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Tiny Expression Evaluator (or TinyEE) is a simple expression language running on .NET's Dynamic Language Runtime.

Its main strengths are:

  1. Simple syntax: everything is an expression that returns a value. There is no looping, assignment or side-effect to worry about.
  2. Easy to use and integrate with other system. The dll is tiny and there is no external dependency other than the core .NET framework

It's designed to be a power tool for domain experts to define rules and calculations that augment an existing system.

##Quick start The easiest way to use TinyEE is to call its static method Tee.Evaluate(expression) :

TEE.Evaluate("2^20") //returns 1048576

To use variables in your expression, pass in an object as the second parameter (dictionary and callback delegate are also supported).

TEE.Evaluate("z = (x+y)^3 = x^3 + 3*x^2*y + 3*x*y^2 + y^3", new{x=3,y=2,z=125})
//returns True

For cases when an expression is evaluated multiple times (such as in a plotting app), you can improve performance using cached compilation. The struct returned by Compiled() holds a reference to a compiled delegate, which can be invoked repeatedly without incurring any parsing overhead:

var expr = parsedExpr.Compile("x^3 + 3*x^2*y + 3*x*y^2 + y^3");//compiled
var result1 = expr.Evaluate(new{x=2,y=3});//result1 = 125
var result2 = expr.Evaluate(new{x=5,y=4});//result2 = 729

To get the list of variables in an expression, get a ParsedExpression:

var parsedExpr = TEE.Parse("z = x^3 + 3*x^2*y + 3*x*y^2 + y^3");
var variables = parsedExpr.Variables;//variables = [z,x,y]

##Syntax Reference The syntax borrows a lot from C#, JavaScript and Excel formula. When in doubt, there are 2 things to remember:

  • Everything is a value expression.
  • Everything is dynamic.

Literal data types

Type Example CLR type
Null null null
String "A Review of \"A Tale of Two Cities\" and \"Moby Dick\"" System.String
Boolean True, False System.Boolean
Integer -1234567890 System.Int32
Decimal +1234567890.555 System.Double
Integer range 0..1048576 IEnumerable<int> (lazily-evaluated)
List ["a string", 12, true, [0,1,2]] Object[]
Hash { name:"Yoda", age:900, isMaster:true } Dictionary<string,object>

Basic Arithmetics

Type Example
Addition x + y
Subtraction x - y
Multiplication x * y
Modulo x % y
Power x ^ y
Negation -x


Type Example
Equal x = y
Not Equal x <> y
Greater than x > y
Greater than or Equal x >= y
Less than x < y
Less than or Equal x <= y
Comparisions can also be chained, and the evaluation order is from left to right: ```csharp (0 < x < 10) = (0 < x and x < 10) ```


Type Example
AND x and y
OR x or y
NOT not x


Type Example Note
Variable x + $math.Max(y,z) Variable names are case-sensitive, x and X are not the same. Their names must start with a character or the dollar sign ($).
Method call "anton".ToUpper()
Member Access person.Name.Length
Indexer Access table.Rows[0]["column-0"]
Global function call SUM(x,y) Note that global function names are allow to be case-insensitive, SUM() and sum() are the same.
Grouping (x + y) * z


Type Example Note
Conditional booleanVar ? "value-if-true" : "value-if-false"
Coalescing nullableVar ?: "fallback-value" This is similar to c#'s ?? operator or Javascript's use of ||. Unlike Javasript, however, this operator does not perform type conversion.

Chaining and nesting Almost all expression can be chained or nested.

  • Property and indexer:
  • Function call:
100>10 ? Sum(Max(1,2),Max(0,1),Max(-5,3)) : Sum(Min(-2,-3),Min(1,2))
  • Comparision:
x > y > z
  • Conditional:
    ? "value 1"
    : condition2
        ? "value 2"
        : "value 3"

Operator precedence and associativity

The following table shows all operators in order of precedence from highest to lowest:

Operator type Operator
Primary () f(x) x[y] x.y
Arithmetics - ^ * / % + -
Comparison = > < >= <= <>
Boolean not and or
Branching x?:y x?y:z

All expressions are evaluated from left to right. The expression 2^2^2^2, for example, is evaluated as ((2^2)^2)^2 == 256 (same as in C# and Excel (but differs from Mathematical convention))

##Main APIs

Class Function Description
TinyEE.TEE Evaluate(string):object Parse, compile and evaluate an expression with no variables
Evaluate(string,object):object Parse, compile and evaluate an expression with a context object. Variables within the expression are resolved using the context's properties and fields. Both anonymous and named objects are supported.
Evaluate(string,Func<string,object>):object Parse, compile and evaluate an expression with a context functor. The functor will be called when a variable needs to be resolved.
Parse(string):ParsedExpression Parse an expression (no compilation or evaluation yet). The metadata from the returned object can be useful in building a dependency graph or in transforming to another language.
Compile(string):CompiledExpression Parse and compile an expression (no evaluation yet). The returned struct simply wraps around a delegate to the compiled code and can be called over and over again.

##Benchmark //TODO

##Credits TinyEE's parser and scanner are generated by Herre Kuijpers's excellent Tiny Parser Generator. All thanks go to him.

##License MS-PL









