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起床困难户 / osgGISPlugins


Optimizer b3dm plugin and model23dtiles tool

1.The b3dm plugin supports data simplification
2.Fix the issue of large file Draco compression failure with the b3dm plugin
3.The model23dtiles tool has restructured the export function of 3tiles and now supports multi-threaded export
4.The model23dtiles tool supports Chinese characters for exporting paths

2023-12-27 17:02

1.Support Chinese path on Window.

2023-12-05 16:31


  1. Optimizing the calculation method of geometricError;
  2. Support texture atlas, significantly reduce drawcalls, and improve rendering efficiency;
  3. Reconstructing the HLOD construction algorithm for quadtrees and octrees to make scene graph scheduling more reasonable;
  4. Set the refine method of 3dtiles to replace uniformly;
    5.Merge all meshes and materials in a single tile to improve rendering efficiency.
    1.Support Chinese path.
2023-12-05 10:22

1.Fix bug in undefined model23tiles variable;
2.Fix the bug that failed to merge primitive;

2023-10-19 17:00

1.The b3dm and gltf plugins support meshopt compression and open the Draco compression level parameter to specify the level of Draco compression;
2.Change the name of the b3dm2glb plugin to b3dm2gltf, now supports exporting gltf/glb;
3.The model23dtiles tool has updated the file naming method and fixed a bug in file replacement caused by duplicate names in exported results;
4.Optimized the speed of the model23dtiles tool, using multithreading for model simplification and exporting 3dtiles;
5.The model23dtiles tool supports snapshot compression and also opens draco_compression_level parameter to set the draco compression level;
6.The model23dtiles tool optimized the calculation method of geometricError.

2023-10-18 15:00

1.The FBX plugin is compatible with traditional FBX material models

2023-10-12 18:07

1.Support for exporting glb/gltf files (exported files can be compressed with vertices (draco, meshopt), and textures (ktx2, webp))
2.Supports reading fbx files with pbr or physical materials exported by 3dmax software
3.Support exporting b3dm files with batchid and attribute information (exported files can be compressed with vertices (draco), and textures (ktx2, webp))
4.Support for exporting super compressed ktx 2.0 files
5.Support for exporting .webp files
6.Provide a tool for converting glb files from b3dm
7.Provide a tool for converting 3D models (excluding oblique photography) into 3D tiles. The exported 3D tiles support quadtree and octree structures
1.Some parameters for Draco compression have not been released yet, and the next version aims to open them up
2.The compression efficiency of meshopt is not as good as that of gltfpack and needs to be optimized
3.The webp plugin cannot parse grayscale images
4.The 3dtiles conversion tool is slow and needs to be optimized
5.The gltf plugin supports meshopt compression, and theoretically the b3dm plugin can also support it, but it has not yet been able to open parameters in the b3dm plugin
6.Compilation requires the use of libraries such as fbxsdk and modified tinygltf. Due to the large size of the file, it cannot be uploaded. In the future, I will upload it to Baidu Netdisk

2023-10-11 19:14


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