What type of PR is this?
/kind task

What does this PR do / why do we need it:
enable end to end ping between ODBC driver and DBserver, application can check alive of DBserver through API SQLGetConnectAttr with SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_DEAD.
enable auto reconnect trying, increase the success possibility of sending command message, especially in case of sending two message with long time interval.

Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
#I23NF0:enable checking if DBserver is dead and enable auto reconnect

Special notes for your reviewers:
since this functional has relation to case of DBserver shutdown, test manually would be a better way to verify.
steps as below:
a. Connect to DB server with tableau or other tool(e.g visual studio)
b. do some list/search ops at time T1, espect ok.
c. wait for 10 minutes without no actions
d. do some list/search or other ops 10 minutes later, espect ok.

test result(run ok):