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Project Status (please read)

Due to Angular's continued adoption, our creation of the Angular version of this library, and the the project maintainers' moving on to other things, this project is considered feature-complete and is no longer being maintained.

We thank you for all your contributions over the years and hope you've enjoyed using this library as much as we've had developing and maintaining it. It would not have been successful without them.

UI Bootstrap - AngularJS directives specific to Bootstrap

Gitter Build Status devDependency Status CDNJS

Quick links


Do you want to see directives in action? Visit https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/!

Angular 2

Are you interested in Angular 2? We are on our way! Check out ng-bootstrap.


Installation is easy as UI Bootstrap has minimal dependencies - only the AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap's CSS are required. Notes:

  • Since version 0.13.0, UI Bootstrap depends on ngAnimate for transitions and animations, such as the accordion, carousel, etc. Include ngAnimate in the module dependencies for your app in order to enable animation.
  • UI Bootstrap depends on ngTouch for swipe actions. Include ngTouch in the module dependencies for your app in order to enable swiping.

Angular Requirements

  • UI Bootstrap 1.0 and higher requires Angular 1.4.x or higher and it has been tested with Angular 1.4.8.
  • UI Bootstrap 0.14.3 is the last version that supports Angular 1.3.x.
  • UI Bootstrap 0.12.0 is the last version that supports Angular 1.2.x.

Bootstrap Requirements

  • UI Bootstrap requires Bootstrap CSS version 3.x or higher and it has been tested with Bootstrap CSS 3.3.6.
  • UI Bootstrap 0.8 is the last version that supports Bootstrap CSS 2.3.x.

Install with NPM

$ npm install angular-ui-bootstrap

This will install AngularJS and Bootstrap NPM packages.

Install with Bower

$ bower install angular-bootstrap

Note: do not install 'angular-ui-bootstrap'. A separate repository - bootstrap-bower - hosts the compiled javascript file and bower.json.

Install with NuGet

To install AngularJS UI Bootstrap, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package Angular.UI.Bootstrap

Custom build

Head over to https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/ and hit the Custom build button to create your own custom UI Bootstrap build, just the way you like it.

Manual download

After downloading dependencies (or better yet, referencing them from your favorite CDN) you need to download build version of this project. All the files and their purposes are described here: https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/tree/gh-pages#build-files Don't worry, if you are not sure which file to take, opt for ui-bootstrap-tpls-[version].min.js.

Adding dependency to your project

When you are done downloading all the dependencies and project files the only remaining part is to add dependencies on the ui.bootstrap AngularJS module:

angular.module('myModule', ['ui.bootstrap']);

Webpack / JSPM

To use this project with webpack, follow the NPM instructions. Now, if you want to use only the accordion, you can do:

import accordion from 'angular-ui-bootstrap/src/accordion';

angular.module('myModule', [accordion]);

You can import all the pieces you need in the same way:

import accordion from 'angular-ui-bootstrap/src/accordion';
import datepicker from 'angular-ui-bootstrap/src/datepicker';

angular.module('myModule', [accordion, datepicker]);

This will load all the dependencies (if any) and also the templates (if any).

Be sure to have a loader able to process css files like css-loader.

If you would prefer not to load your css through your JavaScript file loader/bundler, you can choose to import the index-nocss.js file instead, which is available for the modules:

  • carousel
  • datepicker
  • datepickerPopup
  • dropdown
  • modal
  • popover
  • position
  • timepicker
  • tooltip
  • typeahead

The other modules, such as accordion in the example below, do not have CSS resources to load, so you should continue to import them as normal:

import accordion from 'angular-ui-bootstrap/src/accordion';
import typeahead from 'angular-ui-bootstrap/src/typeahead/index-nocss.js';

angular.module('myModule', [accordion, typeahead]);


Pre-2.0.0 does not follow a particular versioning system. 2.0.0 and onwards follows semantic versioning. All release changes can be viewed on our changelog.




Code of Conduct

Take a moment to read our Code of Conduct


If you're updating your application to use prefixes, please check the migration guide.

Supported browsers

Directives from this repository are automatically tested with the following browsers:

  • Chrome (stable and canary channel)
  • Firefox
  • IE 9 and 10
  • Opera
  • Safari

Modern mobile browsers should work without problems.

Need help?

Need help using UI Bootstrap?

Please do not create new issues in this repository to ask questions about using UI Bootstrap

Found a bug?

Please take a look at CONTRIBUTING.md and submit your issue here.

Contributing to the project

We are always looking for the quality contributions! Please check the CONTRIBUTING.md for the contribution guidelines.

Development, meeting minutes, roadmap and more.

Head over to the Wiki for notes on development for UI Bootstrap, meeting minutes from the UI Bootstrap team, roadmap plans, project philosophy and more.

The MIT License Copyright (c) 2012-2017 the AngularUI Team, https://github.com/organizations/angular-ui/teams/291112 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


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