

lim417 暂无简介


    Watch lim417 / DelphiSVG

    Delphi SVG library

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch lim417 / ZXing.Delphi

    ZXing Barcode Scanning object Pascal Library for Delphi VCL and Delphi Firemonkey

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch lim417 / Repository


    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch lim417 / CoreCipher

    CoreCipher is a Delphi and FPC library for cryptography. It provides support for RC6,TwoFish,AES, DES, 3DES, Blowfish, MD5,SHA1,MixFunctions, supports Win32, Win64, OSX, iOS and Android.

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch lim417 / installer


    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch lim417 / graphics32

    Graphics32 is a graphics library for Delphi and Lazarus. Optimized for 32-bit pixel formats, it provides fast operations with pixels and graphic primitives. In most cases Graphics32 considerably outperforms the standard TBitmap/TCanvas methods.

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch lim417 / Delphinus

    An alternative Packagemanager for the Delphi-IDE

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch lim417 / radkeygen


    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch lim417 / DataSetConverter4Delphi

    API to convert JSON objects for DataSet and DataSet to JSON Objects

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch lim417 / YxdJson

    Delphi Json

    最近更新: 4年前
