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unionfind.go 1.81 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Union Find Algorithm or Dynamic Connectivity algorithm, often implemented with the help
//of the union find data structure,
// is used to efficiently maintain connected components in a graph that undergoes dynamic changes,
// such as edges being added or removed over time
// Worst Case Time Complexity: The time complexity of find operation is nearly constant or
//O(α(n)), where where α(n) is the inverse Ackermann function
// practically, this is a very slowly growing function making the time complexity for find
//operation nearly constant.
// The time complexity of the union operation is also nearly constant or O(α(n))
// Worst Case Space Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of nodes or element in the structure
// Reference: https://www.scaler.com/topics/data-structures/disjoint-set/
// Author: Mugdha Behere[https://github.com/MugdhaBehere]
// see: unionfind.go, unionfind_test.go
package graph
// Defining the union-find data structure
type UnionFind struct {
parent []int
size []int
// Initialise a new union find data structure with s nodes
func NewUnionFind(s int) UnionFind {
parent := make([]int, s)
size := make([]int, s)
for k := 0; k < s; k++ {
parent[k] = k
size[k] = 1
return UnionFind{parent, size}
// to find the root of the set to which the given element belongs, the Find function serves the purpose
func (u UnionFind) Find(q int) int {
for q != u.parent[q] {
q = u.parent[q]
return q
// to merge two sets to which the given elements belong, the Union function serves the purpose
func (u UnionFind) Union(a, b int) UnionFind {
rootP := u.Find(a)
rootQ := u.Find(b)
if rootP == rootQ {
return u
if u.size[rootP] < u.size[rootQ] {
u.parent[rootP] = rootQ
u.size[rootQ] += u.size[rootP]
} else {
u.parent[rootQ] = rootP
u.size[rootP] += u.size[rootQ]
return u
