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    DTC2 / ford-findx

    DTC2 / spring-cloud-full

    DTC2 / springcloud-in-action

    DTC2 / spring-cloud-topic01

    DTC2 / mall-swarm

    mall-swarm是一套微服务商城系统,采用了 Spring Cloud Hoxton & Alibaba、Spring Boot 2.3、Oauth2、MyBatis、Docker、Elasticsearch等核心技术,同时提供了基于Vue的管理后台方便快速搭建系统。mall-swarm在电商业务的基础集成了注册中心、配置中心、监控中心、网关等系统功能。文档齐全,附带全套Spring Cloud教程。

    DTC2 / sqli

    orm sql interface, Criteria, CriteriaBuilder, ResultMapBuilder

    DTC2 / halo

    ✍ An excellent open source blog publishing application. | 一个优秀的开源博客发布应用。

    DTC2 / vue2-element-touzi-admin

    基于vue2.0 +vuex+ element-ui后台管理系统

    DTC2 / RandomImage

    一个能够获取随机图片的 Api,使用 SpringBoot 构建

    DTC2 / myblog

    I think myblog is a very good project, which is divided into front-end module and back-end module. I have used the most popular SSM architecture to design the main frame and added many functions to my personal blog, such as: authority, comment, reply and recommend. these functions can also be used in the enterprise. We can practice this project to get more skills about SSM Structure.

    DTC2 / galaxy-blogs


    DTC2 / CIIP


    DTC2 / opentsdb

    A scalable, distributed Time Series Database.

    DTC2 / oceanbase

    DTC2 / maccms_down

    苹果CMS程序压缩包打包下载!方便新手使用!最新完整程序包+更新包! 随时更新!

    DTC2 / p3c

    Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin

    DTC2 / AppStartFaster


    DTC2 / 会员刷卡积分管理系统 forked from 6班第9组 / 会员刷卡积分管理系统

    DTC2 / vectorz

    Fast and flexible numerical library for Java featuring N-dimensional arrays

    DTC2 / voc

    A transpiler that converts Python code into Java bytecode
