

xydoublez 暂无简介



    Watch xydoublez / Apache ShardingSphere forked from ShardingSphere / Apache ShardingSphere

    Apache ShardingSphere(Incubator) 是一套开源的分布式数据库中间件解决方案组成的生态圈,它由Sharding-JDBC、Sharding-Proxy和Sharding-Sidecar(规划中)这3款相互独立,却又能够混合部署配合使用的产品组成。它们均提供标准化的数据分片、分布式事务和数据库治理功能,可适用于如Java同构、异构语言、容器、云原生等各种多样化的应用场景。

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch xydoublez / Aquarius

    Nepxion Aquarius is a list of distribution components based on Redis + Zookeeper with Nepxion Matrix AOP framework, including distribution lock, cache, id generator, limitation 分布式锁、缓存、全局唯一主键、限流

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch xydoublez / arthas

    Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch xydoublez / Beetl forked from 闲.大赋(李家智) / Beetl


    最近更新: 接近5年前

    Watch xydoublez / cim forked from 远方夕阳 / cim


    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch xydoublez / COLA

    Clean Object-oriented & Layered Architecture

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch xydoublez / Discovery

    Nepxion Discovery is an enhancement for Spring Cloud Discovery with gray release, router, weight, limitation, circuit breaker, degrade, isolation, monitor, tracing 灰度发布、路由、权重、限流、熔断、降级、隔离、监控、追踪

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch xydoublez / fabric

    Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry use cases. It offers a unique approach to consensus that enables performance at scale while preserving privacy.

    最近更新: 4年前

    Watch xydoublez / FastTunnel forked from FastTunnel / FastTunnel

    开源免费跨平台 内网穿透 远程内网电脑 自定义域名访问内网站点 反向代理内网服务 http代理 类花生壳 端口转发 微信 小程序 frp NAT ssh proxy tunnel ngork

    最近更新: 1年多前

    Watch xydoublez / feature_se forked from 10km / feature_se

    (人脸)特征内存搜索引擎(feature search engine),提供高速的人脸特征相似度比对搜索/排序,支持多线程并行搜索,适用于百万级以上人脸库的快速搜索。(C++11实现)

    最近更新: 4年多前
