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XE / vxe-table-plugin-export-pdf

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xuliangzhan authored 2024-04-01 11:29 . fix
import XEUtils from 'xe-utils'
import type { VXETableCore, VxeTableConstructor, VxeTablePropTypes, VxeTableDefines, VxeGlobalInterceptorHandles } from 'vxe-table'
import type jsPDF from 'jspdf'
let globalVxetable: VXETableCore
let globalJsPDF: any
declare module 'vxe-table' {
export namespace VxeTablePropTypes {
export interface ExportConfig {
fontName?: string;
interface VXETablePluginExportPDFFonts {
fontName: string;
fontStyle?: 'normal';
fontUrl: string;
interface VXETablePluginExportPDFOptions {
jsPDF?: any
fontName?: string;
fonts?: VXETablePluginExportPDFFonts[];
beforeMethod?: Function;
const globalOptions: VXETablePluginExportPDFOptions = {}
const globalFonts: { [key: string]: any } = {}
function getCellText (cellValue: any) {
return cellValue || ' '
function getFooterCellValue ($table: VxeTableConstructor, opts: VxeTablePropTypes.ExportConfig, rows: any[], column: VxeTableDefines.ColumnInfo) {
const cellValue = XEUtils.toValueString(rows[$table.getVTColumnIndex(column)])
return getCellText(cellValue)
function getFooterData (opts: VxeTablePropTypes.ExportConfig, footerData: any[][]) {
const { footerFilterMethod } = opts
return footerFilterMethod ? footerData.filter((items, index) => footerFilterMethod({ items, $rowIndex: index })) : footerData
function exportPDF (params: VxeGlobalInterceptorHandles.InterceptorExportParams) {
const { modal, t } = globalVxetable
const { fonts, beforeMethod } = globalOptions
const { $table, options, columns, datas } = params
const { props } = $table
const { treeConfig } = props
const { computeColumnOpts, computeTreeOpts } = $table.getComputeMaps()
const treeOpts = computeTreeOpts.value
const columnOpts = computeColumnOpts.value
const dX = 7
const dY = 15.8
const ratio = 3.78
const pdfWidth = 210
let colWidth = 0
const msgKey = 'pdf'
const showMsg = options.message !== false
const { type, filename, isHeader, isFooter, original } = options
const footList: { [key: string]: any }[] = []
const headers: any[] = columns.map((column) => {
const { id, field, renderWidth } = column
const headExportMethod = (column as any).headerExportMethod || (columnOpts as any).headerExportMethod
const title = headExportMethod ? headExportMethod({ column, options, $table }) : (XEUtils.toValueString(original ? field : column.getTitle()))
const width = renderWidth / ratio
colWidth += width
return {
name: id,
prompt: getCellText(title),
const offsetWidth = (colWidth - Math.floor(pdfWidth + dX * 2 * ratio)) / headers.length
headers.forEach((column) => {
column.width = column.width - offsetWidth
const rowList: any[] = datas.map((row) => {
const item: any = {}
columns.forEach((column) => {
item[column.id] = getCellText(treeConfig && column.treeNode ? (' '.repeat(row._level * treeOpts.indent / 8) + row[column.id]) : row[column.id])
return item
if (isFooter) {
const { footerData } = $table.getTableData()
const footers = getFooterData(options, footerData)
footers.forEach(rows => {
const item: any = {}
columns.forEach((column) => {
item[column.id] = getFooterCellValue($table, options, rows, column)
let fontConf: VXETablePluginExportPDFFonts | null | undefined
const fontName = options.fontName || globalOptions.fontName
if (fonts) {
if (fontName) {
fontConf = fonts.find(item => item.fontName === fontName)
if (!fontConf) {
fontConf = fonts[0]
const exportMethod = () => {
/* eslint-disable new-cap */
const doc: jsPDF = new (globalJsPDF || ((window as any).jspdf ? (window as any).jspdf.jsPDF : (window as any).jsPDF))({ orientation: 'landscape' })
// 设置字体
doc.internal.pageSize.width = pdfWidth
if (fontConf) {
const { fontName, fontStyle = 'normal' } = fontConf
if (globalFonts[fontName]) {
doc.addFont(fontName + '.ttf', fontName, fontStyle)
doc.setFont(fontName, fontStyle)
if (beforeMethod && beforeMethod({ $pdf: doc, $table, options, columns, datas }) === false) {
if (options.sheetName) {
const title = XEUtils.toValueString(options.sheetName)
const textWidth = doc.getTextWidth(title)
doc.text(title, (pdfWidth - textWidth) / 2, dY / 2 + 2)
// 转换数据
doc.table(dX, dY, rowList.concat(footList), headers, {
printHeaders: isHeader,
autoSize: false,
fontSize: 6
// 导出 pdf
if (showMsg && modal) {
modal.message({ content: t('vxe.table.expSuccess'), status: 'success' })
if (showMsg && modal) {
modal.message({ id: msgKey, content: t('vxe.table.expLoading'), status: 'loading', duration: -1 })
checkFont(fontConf).then(() => {
if (showMsg) {
setTimeout(exportMethod, 1500)
} else {
function checkFont (fontConf?: VXETablePluginExportPDFFonts | null | undefined) {
if (fontConf) {
const { fontName, fontUrl } = fontConf
if (fontUrl && !globalFonts[fontName]) {
globalFonts[fontName] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fontScript = document.createElement('script')
fontScript.src = fontUrl
fontScript.type = 'text/javascript'
fontScript.onload = resolve
fontScript.onerror = reject
return globalFonts[fontName]
return Promise.resolve()
function handleExportEvent (params: VxeGlobalInterceptorHandles.InterceptorExportParams) {
if (params.options.type === 'pdf') {
return false
function pluginSetup (options: VXETablePluginExportPDFOptions) {
Object.assign(globalOptions, options)
* 基于 vxe-table 表格的扩展插件,支持导出 pdf 格式
export const VXETablePluginExportPDF = {
config: pluginSetup,
install (vxetable: VXETableCore, options?: VXETablePluginExportPDFOptions) {
// 检查版本
if (!/^(4)\./.test(vxetable.version) && !/v4/i.test((vxetable as any).v)) {
console.error('[vxe-table-plugin-export-pdf 4.x] Version vxe-table 4.x is required')
globalVxetable = vxetable
globalJsPDF = options ? options.jsPDF : null
export: {
types: {
pdf: 1
'event.export': handleExportEvent
if (options) {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.VXETable && window.VXETable.use) {
export default VXETablePluginExportPDF


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