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CalcEngine.h 7.77 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#pragma once
* Module Name: CalcEngine.h
* Module Description:
* The class definition for the Calculator's engine class CCalcEngine
* Warnings:
* Created: 17-Jan-2008
#include "CCommand.h"
#include "EngineStrings.h"
#include "../Command.h"
#include "../CalculatorVector.h"
#include "../ExpressionCommand.h"
#include "RadixType.h"
#include "History.h" // for History Collector
#include "CalcInput.h"
#include "CalcUtils.h"
#include "ICalcDisplay.h"
#include "Rational.h"
#include "RationalMath.h"
// The following are NOT real exports of CalcEngine, but for forward declarations
// The real exports follows later
// This is expected to be in same order as IDM_QWORD, IDM_DWORD etc.
enum eNUM_WIDTH {
QWORD_WIDTH, // Number width of 64 bits mode (default)
DWORD_WIDTH, // Number width of 32 bits mode
WORD_WIDTH, // Number width of 16 bits mode
BYTE_WIDTH // Number width of 16 bits mode
typedef enum eNUM_WIDTH NUM_WIDTH;
static constexpr size_t NUM_WIDTH_LENGTH = 4;
namespace CalculationManager
class IResourceProvider;
namespace CalculatorUnitTests
class CalcEngineTests;
class CCalcEngine {
CCalcEngine(bool fPrecedence, bool fIntegerMode, CalculationManager::IResourceProvider* const pResourceProvider, __in_opt ICalcDisplay *pCalcDisplay, __in_opt std::shared_ptr<IHistoryDisplay> pHistoryDisplay);
void ProcessCommand(OpCode wID);
void DisplayError (uint32_t nError);
std::unique_ptr<CalcEngine::Rational> PersistedMemObject();
void PersistedMemObject(CalcEngine::Rational const& memObject);
bool FInErrorState() { return m_bError; }
bool FInRecordingState() { return m_bRecord; }
void SettingsChanged();
bool IsCurrentTooBigForTrig();
int GetCurrentRadix();
std::wstring GetCurrentResultForRadix(uint32_t radix, int32_t precision);
void ChangePrecision(int32_t precision) { m_precision = precision; ChangeConstants(m_radix, precision); }
std::wstring GroupDigitsPerRadix(std::wstring_view numberString, uint32_t radix);
std::wstring GetStringForDisplay(CalcEngine::Rational const& rat, uint32_t radix);
void UpdateMaxIntDigits();
wchar_t DecimalSeparator() const;
// Static methods for the instance
static void InitialOneTimeOnlySetup(CalculationManager::IResourceProvider& resourceProvider); // Once per load time to call to initialize all shared global variables
// returns the ptr to string representing the operator. Mostly same as the button, but few special cases for x^y etc.
static std::wstring_view GetString(int ids) { return s_engineStrings[ids]; }
static std::wstring_view OpCodeToString(int nOpCode) { return GetString(IdStrFromCmdId(nOpCode)); }
static std::wstring_view OpCodeToUnaryString(int nOpCode, bool fInv, ANGLE_TYPE angletype);
bool m_fPrecedence;
bool m_fIntegerMode; /* This is true if engine is explicitly called to be in integer mode. All bases are restricted to be in integers only */
ICalcDisplay *m_pCalcDisplay;
CalculationManager::IResourceProvider* const m_resourceProvider;
int m_nOpCode; /* ID value of operation. */
int m_nPrevOpCode; // opcode which computed the number in m_currentVal. 0 if it is already bracketed or plain number or
// if it hasn't yet been computed
bool m_bChangeOp; /* Flag for changing operation. */
bool m_bRecord; // Global mode: recording or displaying
bool m_bSetCalcState; // Flag for setting the engine result state
CalcEngine::CalcInput m_input; // Global calc input object for decimal strings
eNUMOBJ_FMT m_nFE; /* Scientific notation conversion flag. */
CalcEngine::Rational m_maxTrigonometricNum;
std::unique_ptr<CalcEngine::Rational> m_memoryValue; // Current memory value.
CalcEngine::Rational m_holdVal; // For holding the second operand in repetitive calculations ( pressing "=" continuously)
CalcEngine::Rational m_currentVal; // Currently displayed number used everywhere.
CalcEngine::Rational m_lastVal; // Number before operation (left operand).
std::array<CalcEngine::Rational, MAXPRECDEPTH> m_parenVals; // Holding array for parenthesis values.
std::array<CalcEngine::Rational, MAXPRECDEPTH> m_precedenceVals; // Holding array for precedence values.
bool m_bError; // Error flag.
bool m_bInv; // Inverse on/off flag.
bool m_bNoPrevEqu; /* Flag for previous equals. */
uint32_t m_radix;
int32_t m_precision;
int m_cIntDigitsSav;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_decGrouping; // Holds the decimal digit grouping number
std::wstring m_numberString;
int m_nTempCom; /* Holding place for the last command. */
int m_openParenCount; // Number of open parentheses.
std::array<int, MAXPRECDEPTH> m_nOp; /* Holding array for parenthesis operations. */
std::array<int, MAXPRECDEPTH> m_nPrecOp; /* Holding array for precedence operations. */
size_t m_precedenceOpCount; /* Current number of precedence ops in holding. */
int m_nLastCom; // Last command entered.
ANGLE_TYPE m_angletype; // Current Angle type when in dec mode. one of deg, rad or grad
NUM_WIDTH m_numwidth; // one of qword, dword, word or byte mode.
int32_t m_dwWordBitWidth; // # of bits in currently selected word size
CHistoryCollector m_HistoryCollector; // Accumulator of each line of history as various commands are processed
std::array<CalcEngine::Rational, NUM_WIDTH_LENGTH> m_chopNumbers; // word size enforcement
std::array<std::wstring, NUM_WIDTH_LENGTH> m_maxDecimalValueStrings; // maximum values represented by a given word width based off m_chopNumbers
static std::array<std::wstring, CSTRINGSENGMAX> s_engineStrings; // the string table shared across all instances
wchar_t m_decimalSeparator;
wchar_t m_groupSeparator;
void ProcessCommandWorker(OpCode wParam);
void HandleErrorCommand(OpCode idc);
void HandleMaxDigitsReached();
void DisplayNum(void);
int IsNumberInvalid(const std::wstring& numberString, int iMaxExp, int iMaxMantissa, uint32_t radix) const;
void DisplayAnnounceBinaryOperator();
void SetPrimaryDisplay(const std::wstring& szText, bool isError = false);
void ClearTemporaryValues();
CalcEngine::Rational TruncateNumForIntMath(CalcEngine::Rational const& rat);
CalcEngine::Rational SciCalcFunctions(CalcEngine::Rational const& rat, uint32_t op);
CalcEngine::Rational DoOperation(int operation, CalcEngine::Rational const& lhs, CalcEngine::Rational const& rhs);
void SetRadixTypeAndNumWidth(RADIX_TYPE radixtype, NUM_WIDTH numwidth);
int32_t DwWordBitWidthFromeNumWidth(NUM_WIDTH numwidth);
uint32_t NRadixFromRadixType( RADIX_TYPE radixtype);
bool TryToggleBit(CalcEngine::Rational& rat, uint32_t wbitno);
void CheckAndAddLastBinOpToHistory(bool addToHistory = true);
int IdcSetAngleTypeDecMode(int idc);
void InitChopNumbers();
static void LoadEngineStrings(CalculationManager::IResourceProvider& resourceProvider);
static int IdStrFromCmdId(int id) { return id - IDC_FIRSTCONTROL + IDS_FIRSTENGSTR; }
static std::vector<uint32_t> DigitGroupingStringToGroupingVector(std::wstring_view groupingString);
std::wstring GroupDigits(std::wstring_view delimiter, std::vector<uint32_t> const& grouping, std::wstring_view displayString, bool isNumNegative = false);
static int QuickLog2(int iNum);
static void ChangeBaseConstants(uint32_t radix, int maxIntDigits, int32_t precision);
void BaseOrPrecisionChanged();
friend class CalculatorUnitTests::CalcEngineTests;
