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lvgl_control.md 20.90 KB
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LVGL - Widgets

LVGL library provides a series of widgets for building basic elements of the user interface. These widgets include but are not limited to buttons, labels, text boxes, lists, sliders and charts. Each widget has unique functionality and style, and you can customize their appearance and behavior by setting properties and styles to meet the specific requirements of application scenarios.

The following introduces the commonly used widgets in LVGL. Using these widgets can fulfill the majority of interface requirements. If you want to learn about all the widgets and their API documentation, you can visit LVGL Documentation for more information.

LVGL Base Object


The Base Object implements the basic properties of widgets on the screen, such as:

  • Coordinates

  • Parent object

  • Children based on the parent object

  • Contains the styles

  • Attributes like Clickable, Scrollable, etc.

The Base Object is the base class from which all other objects in LVGL are inherited.

The Base Object can be used directly as a simple widget: it is a rectangle. When no parent object is specified, a base object alone constitutes an LVGL interface. When a parent object is specified, it becomes a container.



The object size can be modified on individual axes with set_width(new_width) and set_height(new_height), or both axes can be modified at the same time with set_size(new_width, new_height).


You can set the position relative to the parent with set_x(new_x) and set_y(new_y), or both axes at the same time with set_pos(new_x, new_y).


You can use the align property to set the alignment of a control relative to its parent container. Quecpython provides the following two methods:

  • obj.align(lvgl.ALIGN.type,x,y)
  • obj.set_align(lvgl.ALIGN.type)

If you want to set it to center, use a shortcut method obj.center().

LVGL supports the following alignment types:


For example, the following code will shift the object by 10;20 px from the center of its parent:

import lvgl as lv

obj = lv.obj(lv.scr_act())

obj.set_pos(10, 20);

//Or in one function
obj.align(lv.ALIGN.CENTER, 10, 20);

Parents and Children

Except for interface objects, all LVGL widget objects have a parent object.

Parent objects and child objects have the following characteristics:

  • They move together.
  • Child objects are only visible within the range of the parent object.

When a widget object is created, the parent object needs to be specified. You can set a new parent for an object with obj.set_parent(new_parent). To get the current parent, use obj.get_parent().

To get a specific child of a parent, use obj.get_child(idx). Here are some examples of idx:

  • 0: Get the first child object created.
  • 1: Get the second child object created.
  • -1: Get the last child object created.

The children of a parent can be iterated as follows:

for i in range(obj.get_child_cnt()):
	child_obj = obj.get_child(i)

obj.get_index() returns the index of the object in its parent object.

You can bring an object to the foreground or send it to the background with obj.move_foreground() and obj.move_background().

Display and Screens

At the highest level of the LVGL object hierarchy is the display which represents the driver for a display device (physical display or simulator). Association of LVGL and Display Device has been described in the previous chapters and will not be repeated here. A display can have one or more interfaces associated with it. Each interface contains an object hierarchy of graphical widgets.

When you have created a screen like screen = lv.obj(), you can activate it with lv.scr_load(screen).

The lv.scr_act() function returns the currently active screen.


To set an event callback for an object, use obj.add_event_cb(event_cb, lv.EVENT.type, user_data).

To manually send an event to an object, use lv.event_send(obj, lv.EVENT.type, param).

Please read Event overview for more details.


You can use obj.add_style(new_style, selector) to add a new style to an object.

Selector is an ORed combination of part and state(s). For example, lv.PART.SCROLLBAR | lv.STATE.PRESSED.

The base objects use lv.PART.MAIN style properties and lv.PART.SCROLLBAR with the typical background style properties.

Please read Styles overview for more details.


There are some attributes that can be enabled/disabled by obj.add/clear_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.type). lv.obj.FLAG.type can be found in the API constants.


Note: This section only introduces some common APIs. For all APIs, please visit the LVGL official website.

The following descriptions assume import lvgl as lv.



Create a base object (rectangle).


  • parent - Object type. Parent object. If this parameter is not specified, a screen will be created.



Add a style to an object.


  • style_obj - Style_obj type. Style object. The style to be added.
  • selector - Constant type. Selector, an OR-ed value of parts and state to which the style should be added. can be combined. The main part in the pressed state and the scrollbar part in the default state can be used together. For example, lv.PART.SCROLLBAR | lv.STATE.PRESSED.

Set one or more flags


  • type - Constant type. The type of flag to be added.

Clear one or more flags

Parameter- Constant type. The type of flag to be cleared.


Add one or more states to the object. The other state bits will remain unchanged. If specified in the styles, transition animation will be started from the previous state to the current.


  • state - Constant type. The state to be added.

Clear one or more states of the object. The other state bits will remain unchanged. If specified in the styles, transition animation will be started from the previous state to the current.


  • state - Constant type. The state to be cleared.

Get the state of an object.



Macro switch

  • lv.obj.FLAG.HIDDEN Make the object hidden.
  • lv.obj.FLAG.CLICKABLE Make the object clickable by the input devices
  • lv.obj.FLAG.CLICK_FOCUSABLE Add a focused state to the object when clicked
  • lv.obj.FLAG.CHECKABLE Toggle checked state when the object is clicked
  • lv.obj.FLAG.SCROLLABLE Make the object scrollable
  • lv.obj.FLAG.SCROLL_ELASTIC Allow scrolling inside but with a slower speed
  • lv.obj.FLAG.SCROLL_MOMENTUM Make the object scroll further when "thrown"
  • lv.obj.FLAG.SCROLL_ONE Allow scrolling only one snappable child
  • lv.obj.FLAG.SCROLL_CHAIN Allow propagating the scroll to a parent
  • lv.obj.FLAG.SCROLL_ON_FOCUS Automatically scroll the object to make it visible when focused
  • lv.obj.FLAG.SNAPPABLE If scroll snap is enabled on the parent it can snap to this object
  • lv.obj.FLAG.PRESS_LOCK Keep the object pressed even if the press slid from the object
  • lv.obj.FLAG.EVENT_BUBBLE Propagate the events to the parent too
  • lv.obj.FLAG.GESTURE_BUBBLE Propagate the gestures to the parent
  • lv.obj.FLAG.ADV_HITTEST Allow performing a more accurate hit (click) test. E.g. consider rounded corners.
  • lv.obj.FLAG.IGNORE_LAYOUT Make the object position-able by the layouts
  • lv.obj.FLAG.FLOATING Do not scroll the object when the parent scrolls and ignore the layout
  • lv.PART.MAIN A background like rectangle
  • lv.PART.SCROLLBAR The scrollbar(s)
  • lv.PART.INDICATOR Indicator, e.g. for slider, bar, switch, or the tick box of the checkbox
  • lv.PART.KNOB Like handle to grab to adjust the value
  • lv.PART.SELECTED Indicate the currently selected option or section
  • lv.PART.ITEMS Used if the widget has multiple similar elements (e.g. table cells)
  • lv.PART.TICKS Ticks on a scale, e.g. for charts or gauges
  • lv.PART.CURSOR Mark a specific place e.g. for text area's cursor or on a chart
  • lv.PART.CUSTOM_FIRST Extension point for custom widgets
  • lv.STATE.DEFAULT Normal, released state, default state
  • lv.STATE.CHECKED Toggle or selected state
  • lv.STATE.FOCUSED Focused via keypad or encoder or clicked via touchpad/mouse
  • lv.STATE.FOCUS_KEY Focused via keypad or encoder but not via touchpad/mouse
  • lv.STATE.EDITED Edited by an encoder
  • lv.STATE.HOVERED Hovered by mouse (not supported now)
  • lv.STATE.PRESSED Being pressed
  • lv.STATE.SCROLLED Being scrolled
  • lv.STATE.DISABLED Disabled
  • lv.FLEX_FLOW.ROW Place the children in a row without wrapping
  • lv.FLEX_FLOW.COLUMN Place the children in a column without wrapping
  • lv.FLEX_FLOW.ROW_WRAP Place the children in a row with wrapping
  • lv.FLEX_FLOW.COLUMN_WRAP Place the children in a column with wrapping
  • lv.FLEX_FLOW.ROW_REVERSE Place the children in a row without wrapping but in reversed order
  • lv.FLEX_FLOW.COLUMN_REVERSE Place the children in a column without wrapping but in reversed order
  • lv.FLEX_FLOW.ROW_WRAP_REVERSE Place the children in a row with wrapping but in reversed order
  • lv.FLEX_FLOW.COLUMN_WRAP_REVERSE Place the children in a column with wrapping but in reversed order



A label is the basic object type that is used to display text.

Parts and Styles

  • lv.PART.MAIN Uses all the typical background properties and the text properties. The padding values can be used to add space between the text and the background.
  • lv.PART.SCROLLBAR The scrollbar that is shown when the text is larger than the widget's size.
  • lv.PART.SELECTED Tells the style of the selected text. Only text_color and bg_color style properties can be used.


Set Text

ou can set the text on a label at runtime with label.set_text("New text").

Newline characters are handled automatically by the label object. You can use \n to make a line break. For example: "line1\nline2\n\nline4".

Long Mode

By default, the size of the label is automatically expanded to the text size. If the width or height is explicitly set (using label.set_size, for example, or through layout), the lines wider than the label's width can be manipulated according to several long mode policies. Similarly, the policies can be applied if the height of the text is greater than the height of the label.

  • lv.label.LONG.WRAP The text is too long and will be clipped. (Default)
  • lv.label.LONG.DOT Replaces the last 3 characters from the bottom right corner of the label with dots (.)
  • lv.label.LONG.SCROLL If the text is wider than the label scroll it horizontally back and forth. If it's higher, scroll vertically. Only one direction is scrolled and horizontal scrolling has higher precedence.
  • lv.label.LONG.SCROLL_CIRCULAR If the text is wider than the label scroll it horizontally continuously. If it's higher, scroll vertically. Only one direction is scrolled and horizontal scrolling has higher precedence.
  • lv.label.LONG.CLIP Clip the parts of the text outside the label.

You can specify the long mode with label.set_long_mode(type).


No special events are sent by the Label. You can use lv.obj.FLAG.CLICKABLE to make a label clickable, so that it behaves like a transparent button and can have click events attached to it.


Note: This section only covers some common APIs. For a complete list of APIs, please refer to the LVGL documentation.



Create a label.


  • parent - Object type. Parent object of the new label. Required.



Set a new text for a label.


  • text - String type. The text to be displayed.

Set the long text mode for the label.


  • type - Constant type. The long text mode.

Get the text of a label.

Return Value

  • text - String type. The text of the label



Long text modes.

  • lv.label.LONG.WRAP The text is too long and will be clipped. (Default)
  • lv.label.LONG.DOT Replaces the last 3 characters from bottom right corner of the label with dots (.)
  • lv.label.LONG.SCROLL If the text is wider than the label scroll it horizontally back and forth. If it's higher, scroll vertically. Only one direction is scrolled and horizontal scrolling has higher precedence.
  • lv.label.LONG.SCROLL_CIRCULAR If the text is wider than the label scroll it horizontally continuously. If it's higher, scroll vertically. Only one direction is scrolled and horizontal scrolling has higher precedence.
  • lv.label.LONG.CLIP Clip the parts of the text outside the label.



Images are the basic object to display images from flash (as arrays) or from files. Images can display symbols (LV_SYMBOL_...) too.

Parts and Styles

  • lv.PART.MAIN - A background rectangle that uses the typical background style properties and the image itself using the image style properties.


Image Source

To provide maximum flexibility, the source of the image can be:

  • A file from the file system.
  • A symbol icon.

To set the source of the image, use img.set_src(src).

To use a file from the file system, download the image file to the file system and use img.set_src("U:/my_img.jpg").

You can also set symbols similar to labels. In this case, the image will be rendered as text according to the font specified in the style. It enables to use of light-weight monochrome "letters" instead of real images. You can set symbols like img.set_src(lv.SYMBOL.OK).


Using the lv_img_set_zoom(img, factor) the images will be zoomed. Set factor to 256 or LV_IMG_ZOOM_NONE to disable zooming. A larger value enlarges the images (e.g. 512 double size), a smaller value shrinks it (e.g. 128 half size). Fractional scale works as well. E.g. 281 for 10% enlargement.

To rotate the image use lv_img_set_angle(img, angle). Angle has 0.1 degree precision, so for 45.8° set 458.

By default, the pivot point of the rotation is the center of the image. It can be changed with lv_img_set_pivot(img, pivot_x, pivot_y). 0;0 is the top left corner.

The quality of the transformation can be adjusted with lv_img_set_antialias(img, true/false). With enabled anti-aliasing the transformations are higher quality but slower.

Note that the real coordinates of image objects won't change during transformation. That is lv_obj_get_width/height/x/y() will return the original, non-zoomed coordinates.


No special events are sent by image objects.

You can make the image clickable by using lv.obj.FLAG.CLICKABLE, so that it behaves like an image button and can have click events attached to it.

Note: The image can use the image cache mechanism, so it is recommended to use the image instead of the image button.


Note: This section only covers some common APIs. To view all APIs, please visit LVGL Documentation.



Create an image object.


  • parent - Object type. Parent object of the new image. Required.



Set the image data to display on the object


  • src - 1) String type. Path to an image file. 2) SYMBOL (e.g. lv.SYMBOL.OK)

Set an offset for the source of an image so the image will be displayed from the new origin.


  • x - Integer type. The new offset along x axis.

Set an offset for the source of an image. so the image will be displayed from the new origin.


  • y - Integer type. The new offset along y axis.

Set the rotation angle of the image.


  • angle - Integer type. Rotation angle in degree with 0.1 degree resolution.

Set the zoom level for the image.


  • factor - Integer type. Zoom level, 256 for the original size, 512 for double size.
img.set_pivot(x, y)

Set the rotation center of the image. The image will be rotated around this point.


  • x - Integer type. Rotation center x of the image
  • y - Integer type. Rotation center y of the image

Enable/disable anti-aliasing for the transformations (rotate, zoom) or not. The quality is better with anti-aliasing looks better but slower.


  • antialias - Boolean type.

    True: Anti-aliased

    False: Not anti-aliased



Buttons have no new features compared to the base object. They are useful for semantic purposes and have slightly different default settings.

Buttons, by default, differ from base object in the following ways:

  • Not scrollable
  • Added to the default group
  • Default height and width set to LV_SIZE_CONTENT

Parts and Styles

  • lv.PART.MAIN - The background of the button.


There are no new features compared to the base object,


LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED when the LV_OBJ_FLAG_CHECKABLE flag is enabled and the object is clicked.


Please note that the state of lv.KEY.ENTER is converted to lv.EVENT.PRESSED/PRESSING/RELEASED, etc.

Refer to the events of Basic objects.


Note: This section only covers some common APIs. To view all APIs, please visit LVGL Documentation.



Create a button object.


  • parent - Object type. Parent object of the new button. Required.

Other LVGL widgets

In addition to the widgets mentioned above, LVGL also provides the following widgets. Please choose the appropriate widget based on your needs.

widget Constructor Description LVGL Official Website Link
List lv.list() The List is basically a rectangle with a vertical layout to which Buttons and Texts can be added. Extra widgets - List
Window lv.win() The Window is container-like object built from a header with title and buttons and a content area. Extra widgets - Window
Arc lv.acr() The Arc consists of a background and a foreground arc. The foreground (indicator) can be touch-adjusted. Core widgets - Arc
Bar lv.bar() The bar displays progress. Core widgets - Bar
Switch lv.sw() The Switch looks like a little slider and can be used to turn something on and off. Core widgets - Switch
Tile view lv.tileview() Menu page available, with finger tracking effect compared with the animation for switching between interfaces. Extra widgets - Title view
Meter lv.meter() The Meter widget can visualize data in very flexible ways. In can show arcs, needles, ticks lines and labels. Extra widgets - Meter
Chart lv.chart() Line chart, bar chart and scatter chart. Extra widgets - Chart
Keyboard lv.keyboard() Special button matrix that realizes a virtual keyboard to write texts into a text area. Extra widgets - Keyboard
Menu lv.menu() Multi-level menu that automatically handles traversal between pages. Extra widgets - Menu
