

powerx 暂无简介


    Watch powerx / aseprite-sdl2

    Aseprite: Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool -- Added SDL2 backend, eliminating the need of Skia

    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch powerx / stratovirt forked from openEuler / stratovirt

    StratoVirt is an opensource VMM(Virtual Machine Manager) which aims to perform next generation virtualization.StratoVirt is based on Rust programming language.StratoVirt is lightweight, efficient and safe.It also has features like Full Sence Support and Modules Flexible Splitting.

    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch powerx / libcg forked from xboot / libcg

    The tiny C library of 2D computer graphics.

    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch powerx / iroha forked from Hyperledger / iroha

    Iroha - A simple, enterprise-grade decentralized ledger

    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch powerx / openblock forked from 狮偶 / 狮偶

    openblock 主工程 包含编辑器、编译和链接 js运行时

    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch powerx / hetu-core forked from openLooKeng / hetu-core

    openLooKeng is a drop in engine which enables in-situ analytics on any data, anywhere, including geographically remote data sources.

    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch powerx / matrixone forked from matrixorigin / matrixone

    MatrixOne 是一个分布式的云原生融合数据库,专为异构混合工作负载而设计

    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch powerx / grapilot forked from breederbai / grapilot


    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch Choerodon / choerodon


    最近更新: 2年多前

    Watch powerx / cdroid forked from houzh / cdroid

    CDroid is a android like GUI toolkit base on C++11,It is a cross-platform GUI engine for embedded system. Mybe another choice of emwin ,lvgl, touchgfx,awtk. it is more friendly for android developers.

    最近更新: 2年多前
