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ChangeLog 24.06 KB
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Bob Dempsey 提交于 2014-07-15 11:05 . update ChangeLog
* Copyright (C) 2013 InfiniDB Corp
* All Rights Reserved
July 7, 2014
Version 4.6
Enh # Short Description
1505 Implement temp file based LargeHashJoin for tuple joins
3683 Allow function(column) = function(column) join
5308 Improve performance of load data infile and insert into select from
Bug # Short Description
3858 While "load data infile" is in progress, PrimProc fails to read compressed chunk and retries for more than a minute
4295 CPimport Mode 2: Should check for input files on all PMs before starting loading
4737 Distributed cpimport does not support a list of import files to a single table
4789 InfiniDB came up normally after encountering an critical sessionManager::rollback() error
5134 Source package: After compilation and installation, InfiniDB reported lib not found error during startup
5140 second and subsequent load data infiles have 30 second delay with auto increment
5523 Mysql is resetting when running a query on a information_schema.table and an InfiniDB table.
5727 Improve logging around controllernode start up
5756 After a failed addModule command movePmDbrootConfig did not fail
5758 when amazon UM modules are removed, their associated EBS storages are not removed
5761 Support additional versions of Java for Hadoop installations
5762 Need a method to handle MySQL port conflict on a multi-server install
5773 Startsystem is failing when shutdown has not completed.
5847 IDB-2021 on query using multiple pseudo column functions against same column and aggregation
5848 No CP elimination from idbPartition(col) in the where clause
5865 ERROR 138 (HY000): IDB-1000: 'orders' and 'sub-query' are not joined on a query with an or condition and not in condition
5891 getsystemdisk reporting minus value
5894 Performance issue when inserting a value in an autoincrement column
5930 Not in group by error on query grouping by idbPm and idbDbRoot functions
5931 current builds do not support a non-root / hdfs install
5946 load data infile error: ERROR 122 (HY000): CAL0006: Error verifying compression headers
5947 calonlinealter always creates non compressed columns
5950 getModuleHostNames command on AWS returned a segmentation fault error
5954 calpontSupport for Windows does not recognize options
5958 Query with a subselect is getting an assertion error
5963 configxml.sh fails to set CrossEngineSupport Password from the default setting
5978 crash with prepared statements
5987 hadoop test failed on install, hadoop not install where setenv was looking and not a parcel
5992 Bulk load fails on long schema name, long table name, and long column name combination.
5993 IDB-2016: Non supported item 'c2' on the GROUP BY list.
5996 Table reporting errors after a LDI
5997 standard mysql and infinidb mysql incorrectly starting/stopping each other
6000 New MySQL port test is insufficient
6001 cpimport performance improvement for tables with many dictionary columns
6005 addModule command failed to add an UM
6010 InfiniDB mysql replication doesn't work when UM mysql Port address is not 3306
6013 HW 2.1 testing with 4.5.1-2 - different JAVA_HOME's are setup
6017 Queries with "where date(col) in (select dtCol)" not finding rows
6026 Prevent potential infinite loops reading input in postConfigure
6027 post-install message for a non-root hadoop install is incorrect..
6029 when autocommit off, batchinsert set hwm of dictionary store file to 0
6041 When loading 4160825419 rows cpimport reported as -134141877 rows
6044 'union all' query generates tupleconstantstep.cpp@731: assertion 'fRowConst.getSize() == fRowOut.getSize()' failed
6061 window function returned incorrect results
6066 query with alias is returning IDB-3009: Unknown column error.
6073 setenv scripts issues on Ubuntu
* Copyright (C) 2013 InfiniDB Corp
* All Rights Reserved
June 23, 2014
Version 4.5.1
Enh # Short Description
Bug # Short Description
4438 Implement -j option with simple usage to create a specific job log file
4638 Update from 2.2.x to 3.0 is not supported with multiple dbroots
5501 update with subquery using a view with an order by receives an error when using infinidb tables
5523 Mysql is resetting when running a query on a information_schema.table and an InfiniDB table.
5739 install-infinidb.sh script should be removed
5756 After a failed addModule command movePmDbrootConfig did not fail
5758 when amazon UM modules are removed, their associated EBS storages aren't
5761 Add support for additional Java versions with installation on HDFS
5762 Need a method to handle MySQL port conflict on a multi-server install
5785 While running a complex query a Control C aborts the query but may not clear ExeMgr memory
5804 mysql reset occurring following an install when /dev/shm permissions were not set correctly
5838 no prompt postConfigure does not work when mysql password is required.
5873 install failure - No Calpont.xml: failed to be written in config api
5881 with replication, delete with idbpm(colname) in where clause failed with an error.
5884 query returns incorrect results when using an on clause filter involving a table not directly involved in the outer join
5887 " Incorrect results of Is Null "
5891 getsystemdisk returns minus value
5893 Pseudo column functions return an "BPS not created 1" error when used as the 2nd expression in a where clause
5896 getConfig has no linefeed after returning value
5900 PrimProc crashes if NumBlocksPct has '%' in value
5903 startsystem reported successful system start when mysqld aborted
5904 Changing dbroot-to-pm assignment during postConfigure causes double-mounted storage devices
5906 Diagnostic messages logged in the err.log file during new installation
5907 After installation, a rsync error was report in UM1 but the stack seems to be in working state
5908 4.5 non-root install problems
5909 On a stack with replication and local query enabled, rerunning postConfigure caused the two features to become disabled
5910 Object names > 64 cause replication errors
5913 Renaming an autoincrement column is resetting the next value
5915 On hadoop system, SYSTABLE's update was not flushed to disk when implementing split dbroots for systables
5916 query using a view on a view causes ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
5917 non-root gluster / hadoop installs fail - storage types not being offered in postConfigure
5919 Warning of future deprecated "default-character-set" setting on Windows install
5923 ERROR 122 (HY000): Lost connection to DDLProc
5925 Add the two new options to postConfigure -h
5932 Queries with limits sometimes set the extent map min / max incorrectly
5943 mysql daemon fails to start on pm2 of a non-root install local-query configured system
5944 Incorrect schema name in error message
5946 load data infile error: ERROR 122 (HY000): CAL0006: Error verifying compression headers
5947 calonlinealter always creates non compressed columns
5956 Error Code: 138 IDB-2015: Sorting length exceeded when using a view
5958 Query with a subselect is getting an assertion error
5973 large system (1um-30pm) failing to start, ProcMgr incorrect stopping with ProcMons not active
5981 postconfigure upgrade when enabling local-query fails
5983 all the hdfs settings are not in the .bashrc file after install
5993 IDB-2016: Non supported item 'c2' on the GROUP BY list.
5996 Table reporting errors after a LDI
6001 cpimport performance improvement for tables with many dictionary columns
6029 with autocommit off, batchinsert set hwm of dictionary store file to 0
* Copyright (C) 2013 InfiniDB Corp
* All Rights Reserved
March 31, 2014
Version 4.5
Enh # Short Description
4021 Selectable pseudo columns for row/PM identification
4578 Upgrade to latest MySQL 5.1.73
5572 Optimizations to cpimport with Hadoop
5634 Optimization: Project only the necessary columns from views with union all or union
5635 Optimization: Use partition elimination for from clause sub queries and views with union / union all
5657 Local PM query interface
5660 Local PM Sqoop Import
5740 Enable use of MySQL Replication on UMs with InfiniDB
5799 Enhancement request to not provide information when performing a non-hadoop install on a system with hadoop
Bug # Short Description
5443 An error is not issued when changing a column's datatype
5444 alter table will not allow an autoincrement column to be renamed.
5611 Windows MySQL doesn't build out of github
5640 Hadoop: dumpcol and eval returned a java error with stack trace when non-existing file is supplied
5647 cpimport -i option doesn't work with modes 1 and 2
5745 hadoop: unknown bulk rollback error on 4PM stack
5748 startsystem failure when user-module is disabled
5805 Query with avg windowing function returning the average at the wrong decimal scale
5806 cpimport loads data incorrectly on a multi-server stack when the table has a mix of compressed and non-compressed columns
5807 concat producing an incorrect count when using a view
5808 colxml error reported on Windows system.
5811 selecting from a view which has a cross engine join produces an ERROR 122 (HY000): fatal error executing query in crossengine client lib(17)(17)
5817 addModule / altersystem-enablemodule fails on amazon with InfiniDB 4.x
5819 Calpont.xml and Calpont.xml.singleserver do not have the same parameters.
5820 Inconsistent rounding on percentile_cont windowing function
5861 post-install reported to have run the setenv-hdfs-12 script on a CDH 4 install
5864 Include calpontSupport in the standard edition
5874 Reset of ProcessMonitor on PM2 on a combo system left mysqld as man_offline
* Copyright (C) 2014 InfiniDB Corp
* All Rights Reserved
April 14, 2014
Version 4.0.3
Enh # Short Description
Bug # Short Description
4638 Update from 2.2.x to 3.0 is not supported with multiple dbroots
5610 The MySQL front end no longer outputs a descriptive messages when version buffer is full
5748 startsystem failure when user-module is disabled
5778 Distributed import error message for auto increment overflow is not friendly
5793 Remove O/S version checking in glusterconf
5801 Queries with string comparison in where clause occasionally causes a PM to hang
5805 Query with avg windowing function returning the average at the wrong decimal scale
5806 cpimport loads data incorrectly on a multi-server stack when the table has a mix of compressed and non-compressed columns
5807 concat producing an incorrect count when using a view
5808 colxml error reported on Windows system.
5810 update doesn't flush string file with table oid 3000
5811 selecting from a view which has a cross engine join produces an ERROR 122 (HY000): fatal error executing query in crossengine client lib(17)(17)
5817 addModule / altersystem-enablemodule fails on amazon 4.x
5820 Inconsistent rounding on percentile_cont windowing function
5821 PM join with F & E in-join filter + a UM join will crash ExeMgr
5823 System hung when running concurrent queries with autocommit off
5838 no prompt postConfigure does not work when mysql password is required.
5874 Reset of ProcessMonitor on PM2 on a combo system left mysqld as man_offline
5877 After loading 1 extent worth of data into a table, select count(*) failed.
5882 cleartablelock fails on a multi server system.
5884 query returns incorrect results when using an on clause filter involving a table not directly involved in the outer join
5887 " Incorrect results of Is Null "
5870 select following delete statement is encountering a rid error.
5896 getConfig has no linefeed after returning value
5900 PrimProc crashes if NumBlocksPct has '%' in value
5904 Changing dbroot-to-pm assignment during postConfigure causes double-mounted storage devices
5915 On hadoop system, SYSTABLE's update was not flushed to disk when implementing split dbroots for systables
5916 query using a view on a view causes ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
5917 non-root gluster / hadoop installs fail - storage types not being offered in postConfigure
5932 Queries with limits sometimes set the extent map min / max incorrectly
* Copyright (C) 2013 Calpont Corp
* All Rights Reserved
February 10, 2014
Version 4.0.2
Enh # Short Description
5760 Hadoop with Cloudera parcel-based install
5769 Optimization to not preallocate database column files in HDFS
5732 Add ability to report compressed bytes used rather than file size on disk
Bug # Short Description
2437 When expression results in data overflow, no error or warning was returned
4930 no prompt install on AWS had an error when it did not use the volume information.
5363 HAVING statement regression on 4.0 with COUNT DISTINCT
5383 NOT NULL constraint cpimport issues
5604 cpimport jobs hanging on HDFS installs
5617 Invalid Package error reported during the running of calpontSupport - incorrect error message
5636 query gives ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column
5678 ERROR 138 (HY000): 'date_last_update_tk' isn't in tuple.
5682 HDFS updating a row that was inserted sometimes does not update the row
5687 TIMESTAMPADD(SECOND,2147483647, returns incorrect information.
5696 insert statement not providing a warning for truncated data
5697 IDB produces different results for equivalent calculations
5705 hadoop: HdfsFileSystem::listDirectory() not returning all files in directory; bulk rollback not deleting db files
5712 left('unsigned int',6) provides incorrect result
5715 incorrect calculation provided in result set
5716 union sql statement not displaying correct result
5717 create table with invalid Infinidb option does not provide an error or warning
5718 cross engine join results in ERROR 122 (HY000): InetStreamSocket::readToMagic: Remote is closed
5721 amazon upgrade 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 issues
5722 cpimport failing on table to PM17; not handling a boundary case where 2 DBRoots have partial HWM extents
5726 amazon 3.6.3 to 4.0.1 upgrade issue - the ebs storage data not given in postConfigure
5728 update Server cpu-info and disk scheduler in calpontSupport output
5733 databaseSizeReport doesn't report the size of dictionary string files in calpontsys tables
5735 Launching simultaneous databaseSizeReports at virtually the same time can sometimes yield incorrect results
5749 addModule for failed on Amazon system - user_installer password error
5750 dbrm halt/resumes need to be put around the load of dbrm files
5752 ERROR 138 (HY000) at line 2: Sub-query failed: error code 2003 error for query that exceeded TotalUmMemory
5753 When PrimProc restarts, DML statement didn't reset the connections to PrimProc in connector
5757 addModule for UM failed on Amazon system - remote_command error
5759 Must use -p option for hadoop fs -mkdir when creating /usr/local/Calpont
5764 select count(*) from a complex view is returning an incorrect answer.
5765 truncate statement does not show schema in the debug.log
5767 'create table' creates table in front end when spaces are in the table name.
5775 Windows does not log when PrimProc goes down or restarts
5777 LAG function returns invalid answer on a float column
* Copyright (C) 2013 Calpont Corp
* All Rights Reserved
December 2, 2013
Version 4.0.1
Enh # Short Description
5619 Support VPC environment with AMI
Bug # Short Description
4996 removeDbroot should be disabled when GlusterFS is configured
5268 Incorrect date_format answer from infindb table
5402 OAM getSystemStatus message in Windows log
5429 LDI updated casual partitioning min/max values for an extent when where is no update to the actual column value.
5454 assignDbrootPmConfig needs to error out when the system is shutdown
5463 calpontSupport is not including the -c option when -a is selected.
5499 'Memory leak of ExeMgr'
5529 _CpNoTf_ is reported in results set
5549 update on two columns with an AND causes mysql reset
5555 HDFS tools installed on non-Hadoop system
5558 Issuing Ctrl-C on a repetitive OAM command will set terminal session to echo off
5566 hdfs error message printed to screen in calpontConsole - run before hdfs is up
5573 hadoop: update a string column is very slow.
5588 Delete statement left table locked.
5596 postConfigure/glusterconf is creating gluster brick directories owned by root user
5614 "hdfsCheck failed" message logged in crit.log when the stack came up normal
5621 can't create large (20+ pm) amazon systems using 4.0 AMI
5626 PrimProc crash running on HDFS
5628 Bug joining against unsigned tinyint data type
5631 After applying the row_number() function the table content is going to be lost.
5638 issue with using a constant in group by column
5642 system hung during distributed import
5646 Left outer join on varchar column and date datetime column to date column not returning all matching rows
5651 Query wrapped in a select * () returns invalid results.
5652 alter table add dictionary column doesn’t set Number of allocated blocks correctly
5667 Gluster Install with debian - 'glusterctl status' returns with NOTINSTALLED
5669 gluster install - dbroot setup in gluster was mismatched to OAM setup per pm
5670 DecomSrv is restarting after upgrade to 4.0
5672 dbroot gets unmounted during upgrade when a softlink is used and disk type is internal
5681 cpimport sometimes fails during concurrent query / import test on HDFS
5683 HdfsRdwrMemBuffer: unable to write all bytes error in cpimport
5689 rename table leaves table inaccessible in HDFS
* Copyright (C) 2013 Calpont Corp
* All Rights Reserved
October 15, 2013
Version 4.0
Enh # Short Description
3581 Optimize Memory Utilization for wide string columns
4531 Add support for Windowing Functions
4568 Add ability to report database, schema, and table sizes
4901 Improve performance of concat function
4902 Improve performance of insert() and replace() string functions
4919 Improve performance of makedate() and maketime() functions
4920 Improve performance of adddate(), date_add(), subdate(), date_sub() functions.
5087 Enhance InfiniDB to support over 32 PMs.
5208 Change the Status Updates messages to have state show an ASCII value
5237 Remove restriction preventing user from dropping a logical partition (segment file) in the last physical partition for a DBRoot
5243 Add setting in Calpont.xml for enable/disable corefiles
5300 calpontSupport script performance improvement and additional features
5316 Include schema name in SQL statement debug log entries
5410 Add support for InfiniDB on Apache Hadoop
5414 Add Infinidb support for Apache Sqoop
5421 Add support for running InfiniDB under a Linux Control Group
Bug # Launchpad Short Description
2871 Exceeding aggregation limits can block session
4208 'drop table' cannot delete files on NFS
4345 Specific SQL statements exhausts memory in seconds
4552 1025340 Load data infile and cpimport produce different results
4757 Incorrect results with correlated subquery
4774 Port Data Duplication to debian & Ubuntu
5160 Incorrect result on query with "DATE(IF(t1.`end_date` - INTERVAL 30 DAY < t1.`start_date`, t1.`start_date`, t1.`end_date` - INTERVAL 30 DAY))" expression
5222 Update errors out when dealing with out-of-range date and datetime values
5256 OAM ops returning without DDLProc fully up
5269 swap limit exceeded and not cleared by OAM restart of the system
5272 cast function returns incorrect result
5274 alter table add column returned "Constraints are currently not supported in InfiniDB" error
5287 system came up Active while a pm was disabled and dbroot was assigned to it
5299 stopsystem with Force Option is incorrectly resetting dbrm and save_brm too early
5301 startsystem command system status ended up in MAN_OFFLINE instead of ACTIVE
5304 Windows command prompt exit hangs after cpimport on upgraded database from 3.0.x and earlier
5321 Delete from table command fails when pm1 is down on a combo 2pm system
5322 query failed after disabling and enabling partitions
5323 Backup error opening column file for OID-3132 on a multi node cpimport
5331 select calshowpartitions not showing limits incorrectly for char fields in empty table
5332 shutdownSystem command incorrectly reported 'success'
5349 ERR : Backup error for column file error message occurred running cpimport
5356 Default syslog.conf to the asynchronous option
5374 Data mismatch occurred running query via view
5379 LPAD is not functioning correctly when using a Japanese character
5391 ERROR 138 (HY000): IDB-1000: 'c1, c2' and 'c3' are not joined error message on a query
5392 Reset invalid locale alarm when locale has been corrected
5426 calshowprocesslist issue hard-coded to look for host in first 13 bytes
5427 Distributed cpimport not handling connection failure with WriteEngineServer
5429 Load data infile cleared the min/max values for an extent that was not updated
5436 ERROR 122 (HY000): CAL0001: Alter table Failed: AlterTableProcessor::addColumn Failed to set offset in a compressed data file.
5438 query filters issue
5447 cpimport is reporting that -i is an invalid option
5448 Bug in date_add() with InfiniDB table
5455 PrimProc resets during a particular sql statement
5463 calpontSupport is not including the -c option when -a is selected.
5481 Maintain DBBC/NumThreads setting through upgrade
5488 PrimProc hangs when DecomSvr dies
5494 calpontSupport -a option is not capturing the logs from PM1
5495 DB occasionally hangs querying old data loaded in 3.5.0 or prior release
