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Gitee 极速下载 / clipman

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/yory8/clipman
main.go 7.29 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
yory8 提交于 2023-04-21 14:52 . bump version to 1.6.2
// GPL v3.0
// 2019- (C) yory8 <yory8@users.noreply.github.com>
package main
import (
const version = "1.6.2"
var (
app = kingpin.New("clipman", "A clipboard manager for Wayland")
histpath = app.Flag("histpath", "Path of history file").Default("~/.local/share/clipman.json").String()
alert = app.Flag("notify", "Send desktop notifications on errors").Bool()
primary = app.Flag("primary", "Serve item to the primary clipboard").Default("false").Bool()
storer = app.Command("store", "Record clipboard events (run as argument to `wl-paste --watch`)")
maxDemon = storer.Flag("max-items", "history size").Default("15").Int()
noPersist = storer.Flag("no-persist", "Don't persist a copy buffer after a program exits").Short('P').Default("false").Bool()
unix = storer.Flag("unix", "Normalize line endings to LF").Bool()
picker = app.Command("pick", "Pick an item from clipboard history")
maxPicker = picker.Flag("max-items", "scrollview length").Default("15").Int()
pickTool = picker.Flag("tool", "Which selector to use: wofi/bemenu/CUSTOM/dmenu/rofi/STDOUT").Short('t').Required().String()
pickToolArgs = picker.Flag("tool-args", "Extra arguments to pass to the --tool").Short('T').Default("").String()
pickEsc = picker.Flag("print0", "Separate items using NULL; recommended if your tool supports --read0 or similar").Default("false").Bool()
clearer = app.Command("clear", "Remove item/s from history")
maxClearer = clearer.Flag("max-items", "scrollview length").Default("15").Int()
clearTool = clearer.Flag("tool", "Which selector to use: wofi/bemenu/CUSTOM/dmenu/rofi/STDOUT").Short('t').String()
clearToolArgs = clearer.Flag("tool-args", "Extra arguments to pass to the --tool").Short('T').Default("").String()
clearAll = clearer.Flag("all", "Remove all items").Short('a').Default("false").Bool()
clearEsc = clearer.Flag("print0", "Separate items using NULL; recommended if your tool supports --read0 or similar").Default("false").Bool()
showHistory = app.Command("show-history", "Show all items from history")
_ = app.Command("restore", "Serve the last recorded item from history")
func main() {
action := kingpin.MustParse(app.Parse(os.Args[1:]))
histfile, history, err := getHistory(*histpath)
if err != nil {
smartLog(err.Error(), "critical", *alert)
switch action {
case "store":
// read copy from stdin
var stdin []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for scanner.Scan() {
stdin = append(stdin, scanner.Text())
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
smartLog("Couldn't get input from stdin.", "critical", *alert)
text := strings.Join(stdin, "")
persist := !*noPersist
if err := store(text, history, histfile, *maxDemon, persist); err != nil {
smartLog(err.Error(), "critical", *alert)
case "pick":
selection, err := selector(history, *maxPicker, *pickTool, "pick", *pickToolArgs, *pickEsc)
if err != nil {
smartLog(err.Error(), "normal", *alert)
if selection != "" {
// serve selection to the OS
case "restore":
if len(history) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Nothing to restore")
case "show-history":
if len(history) != 0 {
urlsJson, _ := json.Marshal(history)
fmt.Println("Nothing to show")
case "clear":
// remove all history
if *clearAll {
if err := wipeAll(histfile); err != nil {
smartLog(err.Error(), "normal", *alert)
if *clearTool == "" {
fmt.Println("clipman: error: required flag --tool or --all not provided, try --help")
selection, err := selector(history, *maxClearer, *clearTool, "clear", *clearToolArgs, *clearEsc)
if err != nil {
smartLog(err.Error(), "normal", *alert)
if selection == "" {
if len(history) < 2 {
// there was only one possible item we could select, and we selected it,
// so wipe everything
if err := wipeAll(histfile); err != nil {
smartLog(err.Error(), "normal", *alert)
if selection == history[len(history)-1] {
// wl-copy is still serving the copy, so replace with next latest
// note: we alread exited if less than 2 items
if err := write(filter(history, selection), histfile); err != nil {
smartLog(err.Error(), "critical", *alert)
func wipeAll(histfile string) error {
// clear WM's clipboard
if err := exec.Command("wl-copy", "-c").Run(); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Remove(histfile); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func getHistory(rawPath string) (string, []string, error) {
// set histfile; expand user home
histfile := rawPath
if strings.HasPrefix(histfile, "~") {
home, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
histfile = strings.Replace(histfile, "~", home, 1)
// read history if it exists
var history []string
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(histfile)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failure reading history file: %s", err)
} else {
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &history); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failure parsing history: %s", err)
return histfile, history, nil
func serveTxt(s string) {
bin, err := exec.LookPath("wl-copy")
if err != nil {
smartLog(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't find wl-copy: %v\n", err), "low", *alert)
// daemonize wl-copy into a truly independent process
// necessary for running stuff like `alacritty -e sh -c clipman pick`
attr := &syscall.SysProcAttr{
Setpgid: true,
// we mandate the mime type because we know we can only serve text; not doing this leads to weird bugs like #35
if *primary {
cmd := exec.Cmd{Path: bin, Args: []string{bin, "-p", "-t", "TEXT"}, Stdin: strings.NewReader(s), SysProcAttr: attr}
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
smartLog(fmt.Sprintf("error running wl-copy -p: %s\n", err), "low", *alert)
} else {
cmd := exec.Cmd{Path: bin, Args: []string{bin, "-t", "TEXT"}, Stdin: strings.NewReader(s), SysProcAttr: attr}
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
smartLog(fmt.Sprintf("error running wl-copy: %s\n", err), "low", *alert)
// modified from standard lib to not drop \r and \n
func scanLines(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
return 0, nil, nil
if i := bytes.IndexByte(data, '\n'); i >= 0 {
// We have a full newline-terminated line.
b := data[0 : i+1]
if *unix {
b = dropCR(b)
return i + 1, b, nil
// If we're at EOF, we have a final, non-terminated line. Return it.
if atEOF {
b := data
if *unix {
b = dropCR(b)
return len(data), b, nil
// Request more data.
return 0, nil, nil
// dropCR drops a terminal \r from the data. Modified from Go's Stdlib
func dropCR(data []byte) []byte {
orig := data
var lf bool
if len(data) > 0 && data[len(data)-1] == '\n' {
lf = true
data = data[0 : len(data)-1]
if len(data) > 0 && data[len(data)-1] == '\r' {
b := data[0 : len(data)-1]
if lf {
b = append(b, '\n')
return b
return orig
