

果冻粉gg 暂无简介

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Forks 暂停/关闭的

    果冻粉gg / codeup-sync-test

    果冻粉gg / fasterjson forked from calvinwilliams / fasterjson


    果冻粉gg / LVGL_QT_Project


    果冻粉gg / F1C100s_with_Keil_RTX4_emWin5

    果冻粉gg / 人脸检测 libfacedetection

    果冻粉gg / QLogger

    Thread-safe logger for Qt applications https://www.francescmm.com git clone https://github.com/francescmm/QLogger.git

    果冻粉gg / GitQlient

    GitQlient: Multi-platform Git client written with Qt. https://www.francescmm.com git clone https://github.com/francescmm/GitQlient.git

    果冻粉gg / GitQlientPlugin

    GitQlientPlugin provides you a plugin to integrate Git in QtCreator full UI oriented https://www.francescmm.com git clone https://github.com/francescmm/GitQlientPlugin.git

    果冻粉gg / QFTP_Socket_Server

    用QT实现基于socket的ftp服务端 QT版本: Qt5.5.1

    果冻粉gg / nanopi2-linux-3.4.y

    git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/linux-3.4.y.git cd linux-3.4.y git checkout nanopi2-lollipop-mr1

    果冻粉gg / easyloggingpp

    Single header C++ logging library. It is extremely powerful, extendable, light-weight, fast performing, thread and type safe and consists of many built-in features. It provides ability to write logs in your own customized format. It also provide support for logging your classes, third-party libraries, STL and third-party containers etc. https://zuhd.org/products/easyloggingpp

    果冻粉gg / libevent

    果冻粉gg / jsmn

    单片机可用,zero copy jsmn (pronounced like 'jasmine') is a minimalistic JSON parser in C. It can be easily integrated into resource-limited or embedded projects. You can find more information about JSON format at json.org Library sources are available at https://github.com/zserge/jsmn The web page with some information about jsmn can be found at http://zserge.com/jsmn.html

    果冻粉gg / tinylog

    A lightweight C-language log component for UNIX environment, It is a high performance, asynchronized, thread-safe and process-safe log library for C/C++; tinylog是一个专为UNIX设计的轻量级的C/C++日志模块,其提供了高性能,异步,线程安全,进程安全的日志功能。 clone from https://github.com/pymumu/tinylog

    果冻粉gg / nanopi2-u-boot_v2016.01

    git clone -b nanopi2-v2016.01 --depth=1 https://gitee.com/gmind31/nanopi2-u-boot_v2016.01.git

    果冻粉gg / linux-3.4.y-201808


    果冻粉gg / QtXlsxWriter

    .xlsx file reader and writer for Qt5 http://qtxlsx.debao.me

    果冻粉gg / czyBlog-尘中远的程序开发记录

    git clone https://github.com/czyt1988/czyBlog.git https://blog.csdn.net/czyt1988

    果冻粉gg / hardseed

    果冻粉gg / Hausdorff-Distance-Match

    use Hausdorff distance to do templete-Matching, here provide the C++ code of hausdorff distance . clone from https://github.com/arohamirai/Hausdorff-Distance-Match.git
