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% Documentation 文档

Documentation is an important part of any software project, and it's first-class in Rust. Let's talk about the tooling Rust gives you to document your project.


About rustdoc 关于rustdoc

The Rust distribution includes a tool, rustdoc, that generates documentation.rustdoc is also used by Cargo through cargo doc.

Rust分发版本内置了一个工具——rustdoc——用于生成文档。rustdoc也同样被Cargo命令cargo doc使用。

Documentation can be generated in two ways: from source code, and from standalone Markdown files.


Documenting source code

The primary way of documenting a Rust project is through annotating the source code. You can use documentation comments for this purpose:


/// Constructs a new `Rc<T>`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::rc::Rc;
/// let five = Rc::new(5);
/// ```
pub fn new(value: T) -> Rc<T> {
    // implementation goes here

This code generates documentation that looks like this. I've left the implementation out, with a regular comment in its place. That's the first thing to notice about this annotation: it uses ///, instead of //. The triple slash indicates a documentation comment.


Documentation comments are written in Markdown.


Rust keeps track of these comments, and uses them when generating documentation.This is important when documenting things like enums:


/// The `Option` type. See [the module level documentation](../) for more.
enum Option<T> {
    /// No value
    /// Some value `T`

The above works, but this does not:


/// The `Option` type. See [the module level documentation](../) for more.
enum Option<T> {
    None, /// No value
    Some(T), /// Some value `T`

You'll get an error:


hello.rs:4:1: 4:2 error: expected ident, found `}`
hello.rs:4 }

This unfortunate error is correct: documentation comments apply to the thing after them, and there's no thing after that last comment.

这个unfortunate error 不期望的错误是正确的:文档注释会请求在他们后面的内容,并且在最后一条注释后面没有内容。

Writing documentation comments 如何写文档注释

Anyway, let's cover each part of this comment in detail:


/// Constructs a new `Rc<T>`.
# fn foo() {}

The first line of a documentation comment should be a short summary of its functionality. One sentence. Just the basics. High level.


/// Other details about constructing `Rc<T>`s, maybe describing complicated
/// semantics, maybe additional options, all kinds of stuff.
# fn foo() {}

Our original example had just a summary line, but if we had more things to say,we could have added more explanation in a new paragraph.


Special sections 特殊段

/// # Examples
# fn foo() {}

Next, are special sections. These are indicated with a header, #. There are three kinds of headers that are commonly used. They aren't special syntax,just convention, for now.


/// # Panics
# fn foo() {}

Unrecoverable misuses of a function (i.e. programming errors) in Rust are usually indicated by panics, which kill the whole current thread at the very least. If your function has a non-trivial contract like this, that is detected/enforced by panics, documenting it is very important.

在Rust语言中一个函数的滥用(例如 变成错误)通常被标记为panics,这至少会杀死整个线程。如果你的函数有一个重要的约定 就像这样 会被panics检测红着强制使用,文档化就会变得非常重要。

/// # Failures
# fn foo() {}

If your function or method returns a Result<T, E>, then describing the conditions under which it returns Err(E) is a nice thing to do. This is slightly less important than Panics, because failure is encoded into the type system, but it's still a good thing to do.

如果你的函数或者方法有一个返回值Result<T, E>,那么在它返回Err(E)前提下描述是一个非常好的事情。相比于Panics,这个稍微次要些,因为失败是被编码进类型系统的,但这样做仍然不失为一个好事情。

/// # Safety
# fn foo() {}

If your function is unsafe, you should explain which invariants the caller is responsible for upholding.


/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::rc::Rc;
/// let five = Rc::new(5);
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

Third, Examples. Include one or more examples of using your function or method, and your users will love you for it. These examples go inside of code block annotations, which we'll talk about in a moment, and can have more than one section:

第三个是Examples 例子。包含一个或者多个你的函数或者方法的使用例子,你的用户将因为这个喜欢你。这些例子将进入到代码块注释中,我们一会会讨论这个,并且他可能有多个部分。

/// # Examples
/// Simple `&str` patterns:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "Mary had a little lamb".split(' ').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, vec!["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"]);
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with a lambda:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abc1def2ghi".split(|c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, vec!["abc", "def", "ghi"]);
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

Let's discuss the details of these code blocks.


Code block annotations 代码块注释

To write some Rust code in a comment, use the triple graves:


/// ```
/// println!("Hello, world");
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

If you want something that's not Rust code, you can add an annotation:


/// ```c
/// printf("Hello, world\n");
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

This will highlight according to whatever language you're showing off.If you're just showing plain text, choose text.


It's important to choose the correct annotation here, because rustdoc uses it in an interesting way: It can be used to actually test your examples, so that they don't get out of date. If you have some C code but rustdoc thinks it's Rust because you left off the annotation, rustdoc will complain when trying to generate the documentation.


Documentation as tests 文档即测试

Let's discuss our sample example documentation:


/// ```
/// println!("Hello, world");
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

You'll notice that you don't need a fn main() or anything here.rustdoc will automatically add a main() wrapper around your code, and in the right place.For example:

你会注意到,在这里,你不需要一个fn main() 或者任何东西。rustdoc将自动增加一个 main() 包在你的代码中,并且在正确的位置。例如:

/// ```
/// use std::rc::Rc;
/// let five = Rc::new(5);
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

This will end up testing:


fn main() {
    use std::rc::Rc;
    let five = Rc::new(5);

Here's the full algorithm rustdoc uses to postprocess examples:


  1. Any leading #![foo] attributes are left intact as crate attributes.任何前面带有#![foo]属性的是保持完整不变的crate属性
  2. Some common allow attributes are inserted, including unused_variables,unused_assignments,unused_mut,unused_attributes, and dead_code. Small examples often trigger these lines.包括unused_variables, unused_assignments, unused_mut,unused_attributesdead_code的一些允许的属性是可以插入的。小粒子长长出发这些代码。
  3. If the example does not contain extern crate, then extern crate <mycrate>; is inserted.如果例子中不包括extern crate,那么extern crete<mycrate>;会被插入。
  4. Finally, if the example does not contain fn main, the remainder of the text is wrapped in fn main() { your_code }.最后,如果你的例子没有包含fn main,文本剩余的部分将被包裹进fn main() { your_code }

Sometimes, this isn't enough, though. For example, all of these code samples with /// we've been talking about? The raw text:


/// Some documentation.
# fn foo() {}

looks different than the output: 看出他们的不同了嘛?

/// Some documentation.
# fn foo() {}

Yes, that's right: you can add lines that start with # , and they will be hidden from the output, but will be used when compiling your code.You can use this to your advantage. In this case, documentation comments need to apply to some kind of function, so if I want to show you just a documentation comment, I need to add a little function definition below it. At the same time, it's just there to satisfy the compiler, so hiding it makes the example more clear. You can use this technique to explain longer examples in detail, while still preserving the testability of your documentation. For example, this code:


let x = 5;
let y = 6;
println!("{}", x + y);

Here's an explanation, rendered:


First, we set x to five:


let x = 5;
# let y = 6;
# println!("{}", x + y);

Next, we set y to six:


# let x = 5;
let y = 6;
# println!("{}", x + y);

Finally, we print the sum of x and y:


# let x = 5;
# let y = 6;
println!("{}", x + y);

Here's the same explanation, in raw text:


First, we set x to five:

let x = 5;
# let y = 6;
# println!("{}", x + y);

Next, we set y to six:

# let x = 5;
let y = 6;
# println!("{}", x + y);

Finally, we print the sum of x and y:

# let x = 5;
# let y = 6;
println!("{}", x + y);

By repeating all parts of the example, you can ensure that your example still compiles, while only showing the parts that are relevant to that part of your explanation.


Documenting macros 文档化宏

Here’s an example of documenting a macro:


/// Panic with a given message unless an expression evaluates to true.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate foo;
/// # fn main() {
/// panic_unless!(1 + 1 == 2, “Math is broken.”);
/// # }
/// ```
/// ```should_panic
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate foo;
/// # fn main() {
/// panic_unless!(true == false, “I’m broken.”);
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! panic_unless {
    ($condition:expr, $($rest:expr),+) => ({ if ! $condition { panic!($($rest),+); } });
# fn main() {}

You’ll note three things: we need to add our own extern crate line, so that we can add the #[macro_use] attribute. Second, we’ll need to add our own main() as well. Finally, a judicious use of # to comment out those two things, so they don’t show up in the output.

你会注意到三点事情:因为我们需要手动增加我们自己的extern crate代码,所以我们能够使用#[macro_use]属性。第二点,我们同样需要增加自己的main()。最后,#用来注释以上两点内容,所以他们不会在输出中显示出来。

Running documentation tests 运行文档测试

To run the tests, either


$ rustdoc --test path/to/my/crate/root.rs
# or
$ cargo test

That's right, cargo test tests embedded documentation too. However, cargo test will not test binary crates, only library ones. This is due to the way rustdoc works: it links against the library to be tested, but with a binary, there’s nothing to link to.

非常好,cargo test命令也测试了嵌入的文档。然而cargo test不会检测二进制文件,只会检测库中的那些。这取决于rustdoc的运行逻辑:它只测试连接到的库,但是二进制文件没有什么可以链接的。

There are a few more annotations that are useful to help rustdoc do the right thing when testing your code:


/// ```ignore
/// fn foo() {
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

The ignore directive tells Rust to ignore your code. This is almost never what you want, as it's the most generic. Instead, consider annotating it with text if it's not code, or using #s to get a working example that only shows the part you care about.


/// ```should_panic
/// assert!(false);
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

should_panic tells rustdoc that the code should compile correctly, but not actually pass as a test. should_panic 告诉rustdoc 代码应该立即被编译,而不是作为一个测试通过。

/// ```no_run
/// loop {
///     println!("Hello, world");
/// }
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

The no_run attribute will compile your code, but not run it. This is important for examples such as "Here's how to start up a network service," which you would want to make sure compile,but might run in an infinite loop!

no_run属性只会编译你的代码,而不是运行它。 这是非常重要的,比如这样的例子"Here's how to start up a network service,如何开启一个网络服务"是你确定要编译的,但是可能会进入死循环中。

Documenting modules 文档模块

Rust has another kind of doc comment, //!. This comment doesn't document the next item, but the enclosing item. In other words:


mod foo {
    //! This is documentation for the `foo` module.
    //! # Examples

    // ...

This is where you'll see //! used most often: for module documentation. If you have a module in foo.rs, you'll often open its code and see this:


//! A module for using `foo`s.
//! The `foo` module contains a lot of useful functionality blah blah blah

Documentation comment style 文档注释的风格

Check out RFC 505 for full conventions around the style and format of documentation.

打开RFC 505可以看到关于文档的格式和风格的全部惯例。

Other documentation 其他文档

All of this behavior works in non-Rust source files too. Because comments are written in Markdown, they're often .md files.


When you write documentation in Markdown files, you don't need to prefix the documentation with comments. For example:


/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::rc::Rc;
/// let five = Rc::new(5);
/// ```
# fn foo() {}

is just


# Examples

use std::rc::Rc;

let five = Rc::new(5);

when it's in a Markdown file,There is one wrinkle though: Markdown files need to have a title like this:


% The title

This is the example documentation.

This % line needs to be the very first line of the file.


doc attributes doc属性

At a deeper level, documentation comments are sugar for documentation attributes:


/// this
# fn foo() {}

# fn bar() {}

are the same, as are these:


//! this

#![doc="/// this"]

You won't often see this attribute used for writing documentation, but it can be useful when changing some options, or when writing a macro.


Re-exports 转口

rustdoc will show the documentation for a public re-export in both places:


extern crate foo;

pub use foo::bar;

This will create documentation for bar both inside the documentation for the crate foo, as well as the documentation for your crate. It will use the same documentation in both places.


This behavior can be suppressed with no_inline:


extern crate foo;

pub use foo::bar;

Controlling HTML 控制超文本文件

You can control a few aspects of the HTML that rustdoc generates through the #![doc] version of the attribute:


#![doc(html_logo_url = "http://www.rust-lang.org/logos/rust-logo-128x128-blk-v2.png",
       html_favicon_url = "http://www.rust-lang.org/favicon.ico",
       html_root_url = "http://doc.rust-lang.org/")];

This sets a few different options, with a logo, favicon, and a root URL.


Generation options 生成选项

rustdoc also contains a few other options on the command line, for further customization:


  • --html-in-header FILE: includes the contents of FILE at the end of the <head>...</head> section.在<head>...</head>标签的末尾引入一个文件的内容。
  • --html-before-content FILE: includes the contents of FILE directly after <body>, before the rendered content (including the search bar).直接在<body>标签后面引入文件内容,在其他显示内容(包括搜索框)之前。
  • --html-after-content FILE: includes the contents of FILE after all the rendered content.在所有显示内容之后,进入文件内容。

Security note 安全事项

The Markdown in documentation comments is placed without processing into the final webpage. Be careful with literal HTML:


/// <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
# fn foo() {}
rust ebook
