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W_HZ / 算题小游戏

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main.py 31.34 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
A贾旭涛 提交于 2023-06-12 09:13 . 修改游戏暂停bug
import pygame
import sys
import traceback
import myplane # 调用myplane.py
import enemy # 调用enemy.py
import bullet # 调用bullet.py
import supply # 调用supply.py
from pygame.locals import *
from random import *
import random
pygame.init() # 初始化游戏
pygame.mixer.init() # 初始化声音模块
bg_size = width, height = 800, 600 # 游戏区域的大小
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(bg_size)
background = pygame.image.load('images/timg.png').convert() # 设置背景图片
# 定义常量,代表颜色
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
myfont = pygame.font.Font(None, 80)
# 载入音乐
# pygame.mixer用于加载和播放声音的pygame模块
pygame.mixer.music.load('sound/game_music.ogg') # 加载背景音乐
pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.2) # 设置背景音乐音量为0.2
bullet_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/bullet.wav') # 创建普通子弹音效对象
bullet_sound.set_volume(0.2) # 设置音效音量为0.2
bomb_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/use_bomb.wav') # 创建使用炸弹音效
supply_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/supply.wav') #
get_bomb_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/get_bomb.wav') # 创建捡到炸弹补给音效
get_bullet_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/get_bullet.wav')
upgrade_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/upgrade.wav')
enemy3_fly_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/enemy3_flying.wav')
enemy1_down_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/enemy1_down.wav')
enemy2_down_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/enemy2_down.wav')
enemy3_down_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/enemy3_down.wav')
me_down_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('sound/me_down.wav') # 设置我方飞机坠毁音效
def get_random_word():
color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)) # 颜色随机
x = random.randint(100, width - 100) # x坐标从左右边距各100之间随机
y = 0
a = random.randint(65, 90)
# list = ['+', '*'] # 序列 可以增加减法和除法,但无法控制正负和整数
b = random.randint(48, 57)
c = [a, b]
# word = a + b + c
word = random.choice(c)
return x, y, word, color
def get_random_word():
color = (random.randint(0, 255),random.randint(0, 255),random.randint(0, 255)) # 颜色随机
x = random.randint(100, width-100) # x坐标从左右边距各100之间随机
y = 0
a=chr(random.randint(48, 53))
#list=['+','*'] #序列 可以增加减法和除法,但无法控制正负和整数
c=chr(random.randint(48, 52))
word1 = str(a+b+c) #5以内加减法保证结果为一位数
return x,y,word1,color
# 敌方飞机分为大中小3种,速度依次增加减小
# def add_small_enemies(group1, group2, num): # 添加小号飞机
# for i in range(num):
# e1 = enemy.SmallEnemy(bg_size) # 调用enemy.py里的SmallEnemy方法,
# group1.add(e1)
# group2.add(e1)
# def add_mid_enemies(group1, group2, num): # 添加中号飞机
# for i in range(num):
# e2 = enemy.MidEnemy(bg_size)
# group1.add(e2)
# group2.add(e2)
# def add_big_enemies(group1, group2, num): # 添加大号飞机
# for i in range(num):
# e3 = enemy.BigEnemy(bg_size)
# group1.add(e3)
# group2.add(e3)
def inc_speed(target, inc):
for each in target:
each.speed += inc
def main():
diff_ticks = 20
ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() + diff_ticks
word_diff_ticks = 1000
word_ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() + word_diff_ticks
# 播放音乐
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # 无限重复播放
# 实例我方飞机
me = myplane.MyPlane(bg_size=bg_size) # 调用mylpane文件中的MyPlane方法,实例我方飞机
# 实例敌方飞机
# enemies = pygame.sprite.Group() # 定义一个Group组
# # 实例敌方小型飞机15个
# small_enemies = pygame.sprite.Group() # pygame.sprite.Group(),用于保存和管理多个Sprite对象的容器类
# add_small_enemies(small_enemies, enemies, 15) # 往small_enemies, enemies都添加15个敌机
# # 实例敌方中型飞机4个
# mid_enemies = pygame.sprite.Group()
# add_mid_enemies(mid_enemies, enemies, 4)
# # 实例敌方大型飞机2个
# big_enemies = pygame.sprite.Group()
# add_big_enemies(big_enemies, enemies, 2)
# 实例普通子弹
bullet1 = [] # 建立一个列表用于把生成的子弹都放到这个bullet1列表里边去
bullet1_index = 0 # 一个一个生成我们需要从这个bullet1列表里边里边索引,所以我们先bullet1_index = 0给他一个用来索引列表的变量
BULLET1_NUM = 4 # 定义总共有4颗子弹,因为我们发现只用4颗子弹在加上他这个速度刚好就完成了屏幕大约80%的射程
# 添加4个普通子弹
for i in range(BULLET1_NUM): # 依次生成子弹,实例化子弹对象
# me.rect.midtop其实是在画布中展示这样的效果: 飞机的正中间发射出子弹
bullet1.append(bullet.Bullet1(me.rect.midtop)) # 调用bullet.py里的Bullet1方法;把实例化后的子弹都添加到bullet1=[]列表
# 实例超级子弹
bullet2 = []
bullet2_index = 0
# 添加4个超级子弹
for i in range(BULLET2_NUM // 2):
bullet2.append(bullet.Bullet2((me.rect.centerx - 33, me.rect.centery)))
bullet2.append(bullet.Bullet2((me.rect.centerx + 30, me.rect.centery)))
arr = []
clear_word = 0
# 设置难度
level = 1 # 初始化难度为1 ,以后分数越高,难度越大
level_font = pygame.font.Font("font/font.ttf", 36) # 设置字体及字号
game_state = 1 # 1.进行中 2.游戏失败
sign = 1
# 中弹图片索引
e1_destroy_index = 0
e2_destroy_index = 0
e3_destroy_index = 0
me_destroy_index = 0
# 统计得分
score = 0
score_font = pygame.font.Font("font/font.ttf", 36) # 设置字体及字号
# 标志是否暂停游戏
paused = False # paused变量,用于表示暂停的标志
paused_nor_image = pygame.image.load("images/pause_nor.png").convert_alpha()
paused_pressed_image = pygame.image.load("images/pause_pressed.png").convert_alpha()
resume_nor_image = pygame.image.load('images/resume_nor.png').convert_alpha()
resume_pressed_image = pygame.image.load('images/resume_pressed.png').convert_alpha()
paused_rect = paused_nor_image.get_rect()
paused_rect.left, paused_rect.top = width - paused_rect.width - 10, 10 # 使暂停图标位于右上角
paused_image = paused_nor_image # 设置默认显示的图标为上面第一张
# 全屏炸弹
bomb_image = pygame.image.load('images/bomb.png').convert_alpha()
bomb_rect = bomb_image.get_rect()
bomb_font = pygame.font.Font("font/font.ttf", 48)
bomb_num = 3
# 每隔30秒会有一个随机的道具补给,分为两种道具, 全屏炸弹和双倍子弹
#bullet_supply = supply.Bullet_Supply(bg_size) # 调用supply.py文件里的Bullet_Supply函数
bomb_supply = supply.Bomb_Supply(bg_size) # 调用supply.py文件里的Bomb_Supply函数
# 定义为键盘鼠标事件
SUPPLY_TIME = pygame.USEREVENT # 设置一个定时器,然后这个是我们自定义事件,叫做USEREVENT 后面再有的话,命名就会变成USEREVENT+1,再有自定义事件就USEREVENT+2,以此类推…
pygame.time.set_timer(SUPPLY_TIME, 30 * 1000) # 第一个参数是自定义事件USEREVENT,设定为30s,1000的单位是毫秒
# 超级子弹定时器
# 解除我方重生无敌定时器
# 标志是否使用超级子弹
is_double_bullet = False
# 生命数量
# life_image = pygame.image.load('images/life.png').convert_alpha()
# life_rect = life_image.get_rect()
# life_num = 3
# 用于切换我方飞机图片
switch_plane = True # 布尔类型的变量,接着在绘制玩家飞机的时候,那么我们就通过判断和变换这个变量,不断切换地绘制两张图片
# 游戏结束画面
gameover_font = pygame.font.Font("font/font.TTF", 48)
again_image = pygame.image.load("images/again.png").convert_alpha()
again_rect = again_image.get_rect()
gameover_image = pygame.image.load("images/gameover.png").convert_alpha()
gameover_rect = gameover_image.get_rect()
# 用于延迟切换
delay = 100
# 限制打开一次记录文件
recorded = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True # 用来控制游戏结束的
# 这里是游戏的正式部分,游戏循环 -> 意味着游戏的正式开始!
while running:
# 监听用户事件
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT: # 判断用户是否点击了关闭按钮
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # 鼠标按下
if event.button == 1 and paused_rect.collidepoint(
event.pos): # 检查鼠标左键是否被按下,并且鼠标位置是否在一个名为 paused_rect 的矩形区域内
paused = not paused # 这里判断到鼠标左键按下暂停键,则赋值取反,表示状态转换
if paused: # 如果状态变为暂停
pygame.time.set_timer(SUPPLY_TIME, 0) # 定时器时间,0即不发生
pygame.mixer.music.pause() # 音乐暂停
pygame.mixer.pause() # 暂停播放所有通道
game_state = 3
pygame.time.set_timer(SUPPLY_TIME, 30 * 1000)
word_ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
pygame.mixer.music.unpause() # 恢复音乐播放
pygame.mixer.unpause() # 恢复播放所有通道
game_state = 1
elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: # 通过响应 MOUSEMOTION 事件,我们可以改变按钮的样式。就是当我们mousemotion,鼠标的位置刚好在这个按钮上方的话,就会对应变成颜色比较深的图片按钮
if paused_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 鼠标在暂停键按钮上方
if paused: # 如果此时为暂停状态
paused_image = resume_pressed_image # 图标变为颜色较深的resume_pressed.png
else: # 如果此时为运行状态
paused_image = paused_pressed_image # 图标变为颜色较深的paused_pressed.png
else: # 鼠标已移开
if paused: # 游戏暂停
paused_image = resume_nor_image # 切换图标
paused_image = paused_nor_image
elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # 判断是不是按键按下事件
if event.key == K_SPACE: # 是否按下空格
if bomb_num: # 炸弹数量>0
bomb_num -= 1 # 判定为释放炸弹,数量减1
bomb_sound.play() # 播放炸弹音效
# for each in enemies: #检测所有敌机
# if each.rect.bottom > 0: #如果敌机的bottom>0,即已经在屏幕上
# each.active = False #所有敌机都死
#if game_state == 1 and len(arr) > 0:
#if event.key == arr[0][2] + 32 or event.key == arr[0][2]: # 大小写字母差32
if len(arr) > 0 : # 判断输入字符是否与生成一致
if event.key == eval(f"{arr[0][2]}") + 48:
score = score+1
clear_word += 1
if clear_word >= level * 10:
level += 1
pygame.display.set_caption('typing level:%d' % level)
diff_ticks = diff_ticks * 0.9
word_diff_ticks = word_diff_ticks * 0.95
elif event.type == SUPPLY_TIME: # 检测补给包定时器自定义事件
if choice([True, False]): # 我们设置两种补给,所以在True和False中随机选择,若选到True,炸弹补给
# else:
# bullet_supply.reset() # 选到False,双倍子弹补给
# elif event.type == DOUBLE_BULLTET_TIME: # 双倍子弹事件
# is_double_bullet = False
# pygame.time.set_timer(DOUBLE_BULLTET_TIME, 0)
elif event.type == INVINCIBLE_TIME: # 响应解除我方重生无敌定时器事件
me.invincible = False
pygame.time.set_timer(INVINCIBLE_TIME, 0)
screen.fill((255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) # 将背景图片渲染到屏幕上
for i in range(len(arr)): # 绘制这些字母
x, y, word, c = arr[i]
if i == 0 and sign:
c = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
textImage = myfont.render(str(word), True, c)
screen.blit(textImage, (x, y))
if game_state == 3:
textImage = myfont.render("Wait a minute", True, (123, 43, 226))
sw, sh = textImage.get_size()
screen.blit(textImage, ((width - sw) / 2, (height - sh) / 2)) # 居中显示
# if game_state == 2:
# textImage = myfont.render("Level%d fail" % level, True, (255, 0, 0))
# sw, sh = textImage.get_size()
# screen.blit(textImage, ((width - sw) / 2, (height - sh) / 2)) # 居中显示
if game_state == 1:
if pygame.time.get_ticks() >= word_ticks: # 计时增加新字母
word_ticks += word_diff_ticks
if pygame.time.get_ticks() >= ticks:
ticks += diff_ticks
sign = 1 - sign
for i in range(len(arr)):
x, y, word, c = arr[i]
arr[i] = (x, y + 1, word, c)
if len(arr) > 0 and arr[0][1] > height: game_state = 2
if game_state == 2:
# 背景音乐停止
# 停止全部音效
# 停止发放补给
pygame.time.set_timer(SUPPLY_TIME, 0)
if not recorded:
recorded = True
# 读取历史最高分
with open('record.txt', 'r') as f:
record_score = int(f.read())
# 判断是否高于历史最高分
if score > record_score:
with open('record.txt', 'w') as f:
# 绘制结束界面
record_score_text = score_font.render("Best : %d" % record_score, True, (0, 0, 0))
screen.blit(record_score_text, (10, 80))
gameover_text1 = gameover_font.render("Your Score", True, (0, 0, 0))
gameover_text1_rect = gameover_text1.get_rect()
gameover_text1_rect.left, gameover_text1_rect.top = \
(width - gameover_text1_rect.width) // 2, height // 3
screen.blit(gameover_text1, gameover_text1_rect)
gameover_text2 = gameover_font.render(str(score), True, (0, 0, 0))
gameover_text2_rect = gameover_text2.get_rect()
gameover_text2_rect.left, gameover_text2_rect.top = \
(width - gameover_text2_rect.width) // 2, \
gameover_text1_rect.bottom + 10
screen.blit(gameover_text2, gameover_text2_rect)
again_rect.left, again_rect.top = \
(width - again_rect.width) // 2, \
gameover_text2_rect.bottom + 50
screen.blit(again_image, again_rect)
gameover_rect.left, gameover_rect.top = \
(width - again_rect.width) // 2, \
again_rect.bottom + 10
screen.blit(gameover_image, gameover_rect)
# 检测用户的鼠标操作
# 如果用户按下鼠标左键
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
# 获取鼠标坐标
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
# 如果用户点击“重新开始”
if again_rect.left < pos[0] < again_rect.right and \
again_rect.top < pos[1] < again_rect.bottom:
# 调用main函数,重新开始游戏
# 如果用户点击“结束游戏”
elif gameover_rect.left < pos[0] < gameover_rect.right and \
gameover_rect.top < pos[1] < gameover_rect.bottom:
# 退出游戏
# 根据用户得分增加难度
# if level == 1 and score > 50000:
# level = 2
# upgrade_sound.play() # 播放音乐
# # 增加3架小型敌机, 2架中型敌机和1架大型敌机
# add_small_enemies(small_enemies, enemies, 3)
# add_mid_enemies(mid_enemies, enemies, 2)
# add_big_enemies(big_enemies, enemies, 1)
# # 提升小型敌机的速度以提高难度
# inc_speed(target=small_enemies, inc=1)
# elif level == 2 and score > 300000:
# level = 3
# upgrade_sound.play()
# # 增加5架小型敌机, 3架中型敌机和2架大型敌机
# add_small_enemies(small_enemies, enemies, 5)
# add_mid_enemies(mid_enemies, enemies, 3)
# add_big_enemies(big_enemies, enemies, 2)
# # 提升小中型敌机的速度
# inc_speed(target=small_enemies, inc=1)
# inc_speed(target=mid_enemies, inc=1)
# elif level == 3 and score > 600000:
# level = 4
# upgrade_sound.play()
# # 增加5架小型敌机, 3架中型敌机和2架大型敌机
# add_small_enemies(small_enemies, enemies, 5)
# add_mid_enemies(mid_enemies, enemies, 3)
# add_big_enemies(big_enemies, enemies, 2)
# # 提升小中型敌机的速度
# inc_speed(target=small_enemies, inc=1)
# inc_speed(target=mid_enemies, inc=1)
# elif level == 4 and score > 1000000:
# level = 5
# upgrade_sound.play()
# # 增加5架小型敌机, 3架中型敌机和2架大型敌机
# add_small_enemies(small_enemies, enemies, 5)
# add_mid_enemies(mid_enemies, enemies, 3)
# add_big_enemies(big_enemies, enemies, 2)
# # 提升小中大型敌机的速度
# inc_speed(target=small_enemies, inc=1)
# inc_speed(target=mid_enemies, inc=1)
# inc_speed(target=big_enemies, inc=1)
if not paused and game_state != 3: # 3条命没用完,且游戏进行中
# 检测键盘操作
key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
# 可以按上下左右控制方向,也可以wsaf控制方向
if key_pressed[K_UP]:
if key_pressed[K_DOWN]:
if key_pressed[K_LEFT]:
if key_pressed[K_RIGHT]:
# 绘制全屏炸弹补给
if bomb_supply.active: # active为Ture,即存在该补给
screen.blit(bomb_supply.image, bomb_supply.rect) # 绘制
if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(me, bomb_supply): # 冲突检测,即画面碰撞到一起
get_bomb_sound.play() # 播放音乐
if bomb_num < 3: # 最多只有3个全屏炸弹
bomb_num += 1
bomb_supply.active = False # 补给被获得,从屏幕上消失
# 绘制超级子弹
# if bullet_supply.active:
# bullet_supply.move()
# screen.blit(bullet_supply.image, bullet_supply.rect)
# if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(me, bullet_supply):
# get_bullet_sound.play()
# # 发射超级子弹
# is_double_bullet = True
# pygame.time.set_timer(DOUBLE_BULLTET_TIME, 18 * 1000) # 超级子弹持续18s
# bullet_supply.active = False
# 发射子弹
# if not (delay % 10): # 是这延迟100
# bullet_sound.play()
# if is_double_bullet:
# bullets = bullet2
# bullets[bullet2_index].reset((me.rect.centerx - 33, me.rect.centery))
# bullets[bullet2_index + 1].reset((me.rect.centerx + 30, me.rect.centery))
# bullet2_index = (bullet2_index + 2) % BULLET2_NUM
# else:
# bullets = bullet1
# bullets[bullet1_index].reset(me.rect.midtop)
# bullet1_index = (
# bullet1_index + 1) % BULLET1_NUM # 把bullet1_index指向下一个索引,且最多不能超过4,所以 % BULLET1_NUM 就可以完成了
# 检测子弹是否击中敌机
# for b in bullets:
# if b.active: # 只有活动的子弹才可能击中敌机
# b.move() # 让子弹飞起来
# screen.blit(b.image, b.rect) # 把子弹画出来
# enemy_hit = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(b, enemies, False, pygame.sprite.collide_mask) # 检测是否碰撞
# if enemy_hit:
# b.active = False # 碰撞到里则隐藏该子弹
# for each in enemy_hit:
# each.hit = True
# each.energy -= 1
# if each.energy == 0: # 血槽清0则敌机生命结束,消失
# each.active = False
# 绘制敌方大型机
# for each in big_enemies:
# if each.active:
# each.move()
# if each.hit: #如果被打到
# screen.blit(each.image_hit, each.rect) # 绘制碰撞特效
# each.hit = False
# else:
# if switch_plane: # 切换飞机图片
# screen.blit(each.image1, each.rect)
# else:
# screen.blit(each.image2, each.rect)
# # 绘制血槽
# pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, #画在screen 对象上,黑色
# (each.rect.left, each.rect.top - 5), #开始:飞机矩形对象左上角往上大概5个像素的距离
# (each.rect.right, each.rect.top - 5), #结束:飞机矩形对象左上角往上大概5个像素的距离
# 2) #直线宽度为2
# # 当生命大于20%显示绿色, 否则显示红色
# energy_remain = each.energy / enemy.BigEnemy.energy #计算剩余生命值比例
# if energy_remain > 0.2:
# energy_color = GREEN #血量>20%显示为绿色
# else:
# energy_color = RED #否则显示为红色
# #绘制血条
# pygame.draw.line(screen, energy_color,
# (each.rect.left, each.rect.top - 5),
# (each.rect.left + each.rect.width * energy_remain, #血条总长等于全血,则血量为血条长度*比例
# each.rect.top - 5),
# 2)
# # 即将出现在画面, 播放音效
# if each.rect.bottom == -10:
# enemy3_fly_sound.play(-1)
# each.appear = True
# # 离开画面, 关闭音效
# if each.rect.bottom < -10 and each.appear:
# enemy3_fly_sound.stop()
# each.appear = False
# else:
# # 毁灭
# if e3_destroy_index == 0:
# enemy3_down_sound.play()
# if not(delay % 2): #每隔两帧
# screen.blit(each.destroy_images[e3_destroy_index], each.rect) #每一个飞机对象调用他的当前索引值索引得到的毁灭图片
# e3_destroy_index = (e3_destroy_index + 1) % 6 #因为大型敌机毁灭图片一共有6张图片,所以这里%6,那么这个表达式得到的值就永远是0-5之间,当e3_destroy_index=5,在加1等于6,6再%6就等于0.刚好切换会第一张毁灭的图片
# if e3_destroy_index == 0:
# enemy3_fly_sound.stop()
# score += 10000
# each.reset()
# 绘制敌方中型机
# for each in mid_enemies:
# if each.active:
# each.move()
# if each.hit: #如果被打到
# screen.blit(each.image_hit, each.rect) #绘制碰撞特效
# each.hit = False
# else:
# screen.blit(each.image, each.rect)
# # 绘制血槽
# pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK,
# (each.rect.left, each.rect.top - 5),
# (each.rect.right, each.rect.top - 5),
# 2)
# # 当生命大于20%显示绿色, 否则显示红色
# energy_remain = each.energy / enemy.MidEnemy.energy
# if energy_remain > 0.2:
# energy_color = GREEN
# else:
# energy_color = RED
# pygame.draw.line(screen, energy_color,
# (each.rect.left, each.rect.top - 5),
# (each.rect.left + each.rect.width * energy_remain,
# each.rect.top - 5),
# 2)
# else:
# # 毁灭
# if e2_destroy_index == 0:
# enemy2_down_sound.play()
# if not(delay % 2):
# screen.blit(each.destroy_images[e2_destroy_index], each.rect)
# e2_destroy_index = (e2_destroy_index + 1) % 4
# if e2_destroy_index == 0:
# score += 6000
# each.reset()
# 绘制敌方小型机
# for each in small_enemies:
# if each.active:
# each.move()
# screen.blit(each.image, each.rect)
# else:
# # 毁灭
# if e1_destroy_index == 0:
# enemy1_down_sound.play()
# if not(delay % 2):
# screen.blit(each.destroy_images[
# e1_destroy_index], each.rect)
# e1_destroy_index = (e1_destroy_index + 1) % 4
# if e1_destroy_index == 0:
# score += 1000
# each.reset()
# 检测我方飞机碰撞
# enemies_down = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(
# me, enemies, False, pygame.sprite.collide_mask)
# # 我方飞机碰撞到敌人飞机,两者都消失
# if enemies_down and not me.invincible:
# me.active = False
# for each in enemies_down:
# each.active = False
# 绘制我方飞机
if me.active:
if switch_plane:
screen.blit(me.image1, me.rect)
screen.blit(me.image2, me.rect)
# else:
# # 毁灭
# if me_destroy_index == 0:
# me_down_sound.play()
# if not (delay % 2):
# screen.blit(me.destroy_images[me_destroy_index], me.rect)
# me_destroy_index = (me_destroy_index + 1) % 4
# if me_destroy_index == 0:
# life_num -= 1 # 生命数量-1
# me.reset() # 重新回到起点
# pygame.time.set_timer(INVINCIBLE_TIME, 3 * 1000) #
# 绘制全屏炸弹数量
bomb_text = bomb_font.render("× %d" % bomb_num, True,
BLACK) # 用render渲染成一个surface对象,才能画到屏幕上,显示样式就是炸弹图片X 炸弹数量,然后渲染成surface对象
text_rect = bomb_text.get_rect() # 来获取它的矩形对象
screen.blit(bomb_image, (10, height - 10 - bomb_rect.height)) # 画炸弹图片
screen.blit(bomb_text, (20 + bomb_rect.width, height - 5 - text_rect.height)) # 画文本
# #绘制剩余生命数量
# if life_num:
# for i in range(life_num):
# screen.blit(life_image,
# ((width - 10 - (i + 1) * life_rect.width),
# height - 10 - life_rect.height))
# 绘制得分
score_text = score_font.render('Score : %d' % score, True, BLACK)
screen.blit(score_text, (10, 5))
level_text = level_font.render('Level : %d' % level, True, BLACK)
screen.blit(level_text, (10, 40))
# 绘制暂停按钮
screen.blit(paused_image, paused_rect)
# 用于切换图片
if not (delay % 11):
switch_plane = not switch_plane
delay -= 1
if not delay:
delay = 100
if __name__ == '__main__': # 函数执行入口
except SystemExit:
